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More pics proving that these
creatures should be kept in cages

Chicken Girl #1=Amy
Chicken Girl #2=Jaime

Chicken Girl #2-AAAAAHHHHHH!!! RUN!!! It's an albino!! He has no lips yet he's still going to eat you!!! RUUUUUUUUUNNNNN!!!!!

Chicken Girl #1-JC: Well I would like to thank all the fans for...BLAH BLAH....thank you....BLAH BLAH
Chris: Hey look Joey is doing his Superman strip routine!
Justin: Damn that boy looks good in tights!
Lance: And he looks better without tights!!! Take it off sexy!
Chicken Girl #2-Lance: Yes, both parts of your question are true. Chris is indeed a gremlin and Justin and I are sleeping together.
Chris: what?
JC: ...and when we saw this couch that we would be sitting on for the show, we realized Joey would take up the whole thing and then we wouldn't be able to fit, so we sent him home.
Justin: ::whimper:: Lancey-poo!! ix-nay on the eeping-slay ogether-tay!!!!

Chicken Girl #2-Not just peace, but double peace. Yay. This picture just screams "Kick me in the balls!"
Chicken Girl #1-I would do more then kick him in the nuts...First I would step on them(his nuts). Then I would press really really hard. Thats when I would start rubbing my foot back and forth till his crys of pain were so loud I couldn't take it anymore or until I got tired...

Chicken Girl #1-Reporter: Have you guys ever slept with each other?
JC: No no no never!! I am straight!
Justin: So what if have slept with each other...what are you going to do about it?
Joey: Shut up you moron...she is a reporter. What do you think she will do?
Lance: Oh god how did they find out?
Chris: I'm really sorry you guys...I sorta let it slip. Oops?

Chicken Girl #2-Justin must be used to that position. Joey looks like someone I would have been scared of as a small child, no joke. Notice where Chris and Lance have their hands. It's funny because Chris has his hand jammed way into his pocket and he obviously has a good grip on something and he's liking it. Lance seems to be searching for that same something in his pocket but not finding anything. That's right JC..raise the roof...riiiiiight...

Chicken Girl #2-You know what scared me the most when I looked at this picture? The thought that this man might someday have children...and then I see all these retarded little children running around with matching mop haircuts. All the girls are named Christine and all the boys are named Chris Jr.....that image frightens me.
Chicken Girl #1-Chris: I want you...Come on, let me touch your head...Oh your hair is sooo soft...
Camera Guy: Get off of me!!! Ewwww.... HELP ME!!!!

Chicken Girl #1-Awww... look at the happy family. They are all here. We got the 4 homos (Justin, Chris, Joey, JC) and the 2 lesbian sluts (Britney and Lance).
Chicken Girl #2-There are a few things I noticed right away about this picture. First, Lance has wedged himself between Britney and Justin. My guess is that he doesn't want that skanky ho to ruin his great sex life with ghetto fro boy. Second, JC thinks Britney is grabbing his ass, but it's really Joey. Last, Chris is high as a kite.

Chicken Girl #2-Hmmm....."*Nsync you got it!" what exactly? All they have, that I can think of at the moment, is scary faces and really bad dye jobs.
Chicken Girl #1-Joey: Hey AJ, ha ha I haven't seen you with this color yet...
AJ: Thats because i'm not a fruity homo like you dumbass!

Chicken Girl #1-OMFG look at these faggots. I'm sorry tennyboppers...these so called "men" are not good looking!!!
Chicken Girl #2-AAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!! ::Runs and hides under bed:: One question, does Lance have his shirt on to hide his boobs and conceal the fact that he is a woman? Actually, it's not really a question because I already know the answer to that one.

Chicken Girl #2-The sad part is that it's the same size as his usual fro, it's just a different color and he has a stupid hat on.
Chicken Girl #1-Why does he have pubic hair growing out of his head?!?!

Chicken Girl #1-I have no comment for this picture because all I can think right now is ...fag fag fag gay gay gay homo homo homo fruit fruit fruit...
Chicken Girl #2-Chris: I wonder why it's taking so long for the photographer to fix the camera. It's usually quicker after we break the lens.
Justin: I wish he'd hurry up, I need to re-bleach my hair.
Joey: Wow, I had alot of waxy build-up in my ears. Maybe now I'll be able to hear the little girls ages before I bang them. Not that it will matter.
Lance: I wish I was sitting next to Justin so we could snuggle.
JC: Our photographer is ever so dreamy.

Chicken Girl #2-It would make me really happy if Joey was standing on the edge of a building when this picture was taken....okay so he probably isn't, but I can dream can't I?
Chicken Girl #1-Right before Joey has sex with a 12 year old, he likes to impress her/him with a "cute" Superman impression.

Chicken Girl #1-I wonder how may times so far, we have said that they are fucking fags? Anyone want to count that and get back to me? Oh know...I don't understand what you girls see in these flamin' homos!!! Do you think its sexy when they butt fuck?
Chicken Girl #2-This picture confuses me. If you look very closely at Lance, this picture contradicts all my theories about him. Lance's little friend (and I mean little) has popped up for a visit. Although, this picture also helps me in my quest to prove how gay they all are. I mean, take a really good look at these guys and then tell me they're not gay.

The Freak Show continues...

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