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The Freak Show continues...

Chicken Girl #2- Joey: Oh dear God, it's a reporter!! Um....heh heh heh....hello was just...uh...helping me get my zipper unstuck...yeah that's it.
Chris: No I wasn't Joey. You told me you wanted me to---
Joey: Chris shuttup!! RE-PORT-ERRRR!!!
Chris: Ohh yeah the zipper was stuck...

Chicken Girl #2-Oh the wonders of seeing your own reflection for the first time.

Chicken Girl #2- Justin: Hey Brit! Look what I found in my nose!
JC: Whooooaaaa..heh heh heh...what a trip....heh heh heh heh heh heh....I can see the music......heh heh...

Chicken Girl #2-Joey: Hello ladies! This is what I look like from above. You should probably get used to it. ::grabs crotch:: I'll be seeing YOU in Room 523 at midnight....and YOU at 12:15....and after that, YOU and YOU can come in at 12:25...

Chicken Girl #2- Chris: Whoa, Joey looks really hot in this picture. ::squeezes Joey's leg under the table.::
Joey: That little girl looks so good in that tube top. If only her mother wasn't with her. If I could only....Chris! Stop it! Remember that little not in public rule we discussed?
Justin: Hmmm...J...U...S.......P......dammit!! It's a T!! T!! Why do I always confuse my P's with T's???
Lance: It's funny how nobody noticed when we replaced JC with this chick. She's been signing autographs for an hour and she's gotten more hugs than I have.

Chicken Girl #2-Don't cry Lance. It's just a basketball. You think he'd be used to balls flying at his face. Besides, if you don't catch it with your hands I bet you can catch it between your chin and that huge adam's apple of yours.....wait a second.....huge adam's apple? I guess that throws off all my assumptions that he's a woman.

Chicken Girl #2- Justin: ::slides arm around Joey:: do you feel about threesomes?
Joey: Wow. With you and Britney and me....well I--
Justin: Whoa Whoa Whoa....who said anything about Britney? I was thinking more along the lines of you, me, and Lance.
Joey:'ve got to be kidding. You know I like girls. You know, little girls.
Tiny little girls that haven't hit puberty yet.

Chicken Girl #2-Look it's Chris, pre-mop. Is that water a little cold Chris, or did someone under the water just bite something they were supposed to be sucking?

Chicken Girl #2-This is what 'Nsync looked like the day after Britney spray painted her pubic hair white.

Chicken Girl #2-That person must be plucking those unsightly neck hairs. Look at his eyes....I've seen drug addicts before....I think it might be time for a little intervention with JC.

Chicken Girl cute...holding hands and everything. Justin's even puckering up. Superman doesn't know Justin is about to plant one on him.

Chicken Girl #2-So Justin was already aware of his bisexualness even as a small child. What cracks me up is the look on that girls face sitting behind them.

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