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Punch and Pie.

Chicken Girl #2- Chris: ...and all the sudden, Britney had these GIANT knockers. I was like, "Where did you get those?" And she was like, "Like, they sucked the fat, like, right out of, like, my thighs and butt, and then they just added it to my chest."

Chicken Girl #2-Aaahhh!! Don't come any closer! ...Okay, okay! I take it back! You're not fags! You're straight. And Joey, you don't sleep with underaged girls. You guys all sing beautifully. Just please, don't come any closer you fa--I mean you...nice...straight boys. I swear I didn't mean it. Aaahhhhhh! Heellllllppppp meeeeee!!

Chicken Girl #2-I'm usually just scared of the clowns with all the makeup on, but I can honestly say that this is the scariest clown I have ever seen in my life.

Chicken Girl #2-Hahaha! LOL! Caught in the act. Balloon dildos. I bet Justin and Joey have lots of fun with those every night.

Chicken Girl #2-Am I on crack or does he only have four fingers on his right hand?
Freak!! Although...we already knew he was a freak didn't we?

Chicken Girl #2-Justin: Sometimes after the show, Chris, Lance and I will take
a hot bubble bath together and give each other massages...but shhh...don't tell anyone.
Chris: Justin, my mic is on.

Chicken Girl #2-Tell me again how this boy is considered sexy? I don't understand. Girls lust after this. Why?? He's disgusting. =P Blech! I can't even come up with a comment for this. It's just there. It's gross and it's just there.
Excuse me while I go cry for the youth of America.

Chicken Girl #2- Joey: Okay Suzi, how would you like to see my Superman collection?
It's just back at my hotel room. I think you'll like it. Ready to go?
Justin: Ummm...Joey that girls mom is screaming for help..
Joey: Shuttup asswipe! I think I'm going to score.
Little Girl: Where did my mommy go Mr. Joey?

Chicken Girl #2-How would you like to wake up to that every morning? ::shudder::

Chicken Girl #2-I think this picture pretty much speaks for itself. That's Chris and Justin.

Chicken Girl #2- Lance: Justin's tooshey is so cute I want to reach out and grab it like this!
PS-Does this picture scare the shit out of anyone else? I'm going to be seeing this image in my nightmares.

Chicken Girl #2- Chris: ::I'm so happy they let me pick out our clothes for this photo shoot.
I have a really good sense of style. Maybe I should start my own clothing company.::
Joey: ::...Nobody would ever suspect that Superman, who defended the citizens of Orlando from evil,
was actually quiet, conservative Joseph Fatone. Who knows what evil lurks in the....::
Justin: Yo bitch! ya'll betta' be finished snatchn pictures soon cuz' I'm about t'get busy wid Chris. You's know whut ah' mean?
JC: Excuse me sir, do you think you can use a soft focus so my nose doesn't stand out so much?
Lance: ::Heehee...Justin's foot is touching my ass.::


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