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Chicken Girl #2-::scary movie trailer voice:: You've seen the men watch the women kick some alien butt ......MEN IN BLACK 3: WOMEN IN BLACK. Coming only to theaters ...Summer 2004.

Chicken Girl #2- Joey: You think this is a big fro, you should see my back hair.

Chicken Girl #2-Lance is practicing his stroking skills.

Chicken Girl #2-Open wide Chris!! That's just nasty. I swear I don't even look hard to find all these incriminating pictures. I'll look for stupid Nsuck pictures maybe once a year and I always find a ton on the first site I go to.

Chicken Girl #2-Why are his pants unzipped???? WHY???? I mean, is that really necessary? Look, it's getting Lance so excited he's playing with himself.

Chicken Girl #2-I can't believe it! Ladies and gentlemen, if you look to your right, you'll see the rare homogull soaring high above the treetops. Native to San Francisco, we are extremely lucky to catch a glimpse of one of these ugly, dumb birds so very far from it's natural habitat.

Chicken Girl #2- Don't worry Justin, you don't have to cover your boner. We'd barely be able to see it with a magnifying glass.

Chicken Girl #2-See the thing about shirts is that they're supposed to cover your nipples.

Chicken Girl #2-Riiiiiiiight.......that's.........super. Vests are groovy.

Chicken Girl #2-There was recently a study conducted examining hotel rooms. Researchers found that even in the nicest hotels, really expensive places, they found jizz all over the rooms. All over the remote, the walls, the chairs.......I'd bet good money that at least 10% of it was from this boy traveling all over the world and jacking off to gay porn in every hotel room.

Chicken Girl #2-Yup.....Joey and Lance gettin busy.....

Chicken Girl #2-See when "teen idols" don't win any awards, teenybopper magazines have them pose with fake trophies to make little brainless twerps think they make good music. Yay.

If you're gonna spew, spew into this. ::Holds out tiny paper cup::

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