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If you're gonna spew, spew into this.
::Holds out tiny paper cup::

Chicken Girl #1=Amy
Chicken Girl #2=Jaime

Chicken Girl #2-Who the hell is the costume designer for their tours? That's awful. I mean, that's exactly what I'd dress them in if I was their stylist, but then again, I hate them.

Chicken Girl #2-I'm gonna start swinging my this.....and if I happen to smack you in the's your own fault....

Chicken Girl #2-Geez, people really do look like their pets don't they?

Chicken Girl #2- Chris: Wow! A three-way with Christina and Britney? You're so lucky. Can I come?
Justin: No shit for brains, that's why they call it a three-way.
JC: Oh No Honey! That color scheme is all wrong for you. Go change immediately!
Joey: I'm gonna cry. JC keeps waving his arms around and his pits smell like bad cheese.

Chicken Girl #2-Once again....the costume designer thing....yeesh.

Chicken Girl #2-I guess Joey wins the contest for biggest head, but it was a close race with JC. JC's nose is about the size of Justin's entire face.

Chicken Girl #2-Yikes! Does anyone else feel it's a tad nippy in here? Anyone? Brit?

Chicken Girl #2-Why do people insist on pointing at the camera while having their picture taken? I've never understood that. I would say this is a picture of 'Nsync going through their awkward, ugly teenage years, but I don't think they've passed that phase yet.

Chicken Girl #2- Lance: Oh boy! Hey everybody, come look! We have a fan! And it's not your mom this time Justin!!

Chicken Girl #2-You know all I seem to hear from teenyboppers is that I shouldn't make fun of 'N sync because they are great dancers. Which isn't a real intelligent argument anyway considering they're singers. Now I find pictures like this very easily. I only visited one or two sites to find Nsuck pictures. I urge you teenyboppers, look at this picture. These young men (and I use the term "men" loosely) are anything but in sync. Ha.

Chicken Girl #2-Well as long as he knows....

Chicken Girl #2-Chris: I'd like to thank our moms for calling in over 6 million times to vote for us to insure us a win. We appreciate the hours of hard work, and the girls you hire to stand outside our hotels while on tour. That is very helpful.
Justin: fro! It was the source of my power. Ack......noooo......losing control of arms....legs.....motor skills.....bowels....
Lance: Something wet just landed on my foot.

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