18 GOLD AND PLATINUM RECORDS RECORD BREAKING ATTENDANCES When David Cassidy was cast as its juvenile
star in The Partridge Family it launched one of the most spectacular careers
in the entertainment industry. From television to recording to breaking
concert tours David has made his
With a fan base spanning over three generations it no surprise that David Cassidy was the highest paid solo entertainer by the age of 21. At one time his fan club was bigger than the Beatles and Elvis combined. Five No 1 Hit Singles as the Lead vocalist with Partridge Family and Five No 1 Hit Singles as a Solo Artist. David earned an Emmy nomination as Best Dramatic Actor in the telefilm A Chance to Live, the highest rated Police Story in its seven year history. On Broadway he starred in the original production of Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat. In London's prestigious West End he starred with Sir Laurence Olivier in Time. In 1994 he starred in a sold out road tour around United States and Canada in Blood Brothers. In 1999 he was voted 'Best All Around Performer' in the Review-Journal's Best of Las Vegas. In 2000 he was voted best producer for the Broadway musical The Rat Pack is Back! and At the Copa. In 2001 he chose to go back to his first love and return to performing Live concerts around the World. |
November 1 | El Cajon, CA | East County Performing Arts Center | Watch this space for ticket ordering info, or see ECPAC.com. |
November 2 | Cerritos, CA | Cerritos Center | Watch this space for ticket ordering info, or see CerritosCenter.com. |
November 7 | Wollongong, Australia | Win Entertainment Center | Tickets on sale NOW! Available through Ticketek. |
November 9 | Brisbane, Australia | Brisbane Entertainment Center | Tickets on sale NOW! Available through Ticketek. |
November 11 | Melbourne, Australia | Vodafone Arena at Melbourne Park | Tickets on sale NOW! Available through Ticketek. |
November 13 | Newcastle, Australia | Newcastle Entertainment Center | Tickets on sale NOW! Available through Ticketek. |
November 16 | Sydney, Australia | Sydney Entertainment Center | Tickets on sale NOW! Available through Ticketek. |
November 18 | Adelaide, Australia | Adelaide Entertainment Center | Tickets on sale NOW! See Bass.net.au. |
November 20-21 | Perth, Australia | Burswood Theatre | Tickets on sale NOW! See Burswood.com.au. |
December 28 - NEW - | Sparks, NV | John Ascuaga's Nugget | Tickets on sale NOW! See Tickets.com. |
February 22, 2003 - NEW - | Hallandale, FL | Gulfstream Park | Watch this space for more info, or see Gulfstreampark.com. |
March 7, 2003 | Lancaster, PA | American Music Theatre | Tickets on sale NOW! See Americanmusictheatre.com |
March 8, 2003 | Rama, ON (Canada) | Casino Rama | Watch this space for more info, or see Casino-rama.com |
March 21-22, 2003 | Uncasville, CT | Mohegan Sun Casino | There will be no admission charged for the Wolf Den shows and seats are given on a first-come, first-served basis. For details see MoheganSun.com. |
April 11, 2003 | Agoura Hills, CA | Canyon Dinner Theater | Tickets on sale NOW! Available through ticketmaster.com. |
April 12, 2003 | Sun City West, AZ | Sundome Center For The Performing Arts | Watch this space for more info, or see ticketmaster.com |
September 20, 2003
- NEW - |
Ocean City, Maryland | Watch this space for more info, or see ticketmaster.com |
No reports.
November 2: Cerritos, CA Where do I start? OK- when I got out of
the car, the first thing that hit me was "my song" Sherry by Frankie Valle
& 4 seasons (right name-wrong spelling). Then I went to the box-office
&for $2, I was able to upgrade my seat to 2 rows closer On the aisle!
Once inside, I met with a pen-pal I hadn't seen in a while & by coincidence,
we happened to be sitting next to
The first half had all of his new songs, Hush, I saw her Standing There, & Ricky's tune (which he said he added for the "home-town crowd). A family of 3 from Britian got to the front of
the stage & presented David with a union Jack flag, then another woman
handed David her cell-phone & asked him to say hi to her brother-in-law,
who was in the hospital on his birthday. On the count of 3 we all
yelled Happy Birthday to the poor guy! Another little girl of about
5 or 6 came up to the stage & he called her a
All the people going to the front of the stage gave me incentive to do something I'd hoped to do privately with David (get your minds out of the gutter girls!). Since I couldn't get a meeting with David to present our check to Kidscharities.org, I got the currage after I'll meet you half-way to approach the stage myself. Once I'd gotten his attention, I explained that Friends of the Cassidys & For All Cassidy Fans had raised money for Kidscharities.org & we'd like to present a check for $225 to him & Sue. He thanked me sweetly with a kiss on the forehead & gave a few more details about Sue's charity. During I saw her standing there, he got the crowd on their feet & I saw one elderly lady in the 3rd row dancing as much as the youngsters around her! It was great to see! At intermission, I asked to pose for a photo with Ryan & he also thanked me for doing the collection for David & Sue & I told him that this was the first year for it, instead of Leukemia Society. After the intermission, David came on stage in the dark & sang Aint no Sunshine- when the lights came out, we all cheered. He also sang Do You Believe In Magic & thanked Mervyns for letting him do the commerials. He introduced Ryan & David J from the stage & made them stand up to wave. I loved his version of gimme Shelter before he broke into Cmon Get Happy I must admit that Mr Happy was well in evidence last night! I've posted my best cerritos photo at http://cassidyfanclub.homestead.com/cerritos_pics.html if you'd like to check them (it) out for yourself! At the end of the show, I got the 2nd half playlist & Cry was supposed to be sung, but he ended with Hollywood Nights. Had a lot of fun anyway!
My camera fell off a table and stopped working a few weeks ago while I was on vacation. I sent it in to Canon Factory Service to get repaired. They sent it back saying there was nothing wrong with it and maybe it's the lens and told me I should have sent that in with the camera. Of course they told me not to when I called. So I sent both back and they fixed it barely in time for the concert. I also bought a new 200mm lens so that I could get closer pictures. I was hoping they would allow pictures since I actually bought the camera for the Anaheim concert and they wouldn't let me take any pictures. I was happily surprised that there was no announcement against photography! I was in the 4th row which was a good spot. Anyway, I drove down to Cerritos. I was hoping to catch him going
in for the sound check so that I could get a photo signed, but word had
it that he did the sound check early. The concert was great.
There were 4 old ladies in front of me who were really getting into the
music! One of them worked her way up to the front of the stage.
David sang "I Can Feel Your Heartbeat", "Hush", "I'll Meet you Halfway",
"No Brdige I Wouldn't Cross", "Point Me in the Direction of Albuquerque",
"How Can I Be Sure", "Do You Believe in Magic", "Ricky's Tune", "Summer
Days", "I Saw Her Standing There". Then there was intermission.
"Ain't No Sunshine", "Rock Me Baby", "Cherish", "I Woke Up In Love This
Morning", "Gimme Shelter" band introduction, "C'Mon Get Happy", "I Think
I Love You", "Hollywood Nights". These are the things that happened
During "Summer Days", many fans ran up to the stage to get a handshake,
so I decided to go up to. He skipped my hand going both directions.
The girl next to me (who seemed drunk) kept pushing back at me. She
grabbed David's hand and pulled him! After he shook a few other hands
he made some comment about it. I could tell he was very upset.
I don't remember what he said but I feel he was blaming me! I'm very
hurt by this because I didn't pull him and I didn't even get a handshake.
With so many people there, he was probably confused as to who actually
pulled him, but he looked at both her
I saw Ryan out in the lobby before the concert started. I hesitated about going up to him. But during intermission there was a line up of about 7-10 fans to meet him so I decided to go up to him too. He is so nice! I told him I met him 20 years ago at a play his mother did in Long Beach. Instantly he said, "Oh yes. That was called Bittersweet." I'm sure he didn't remember me, but what an amazing memory to remember the exact show his mother was doing at that time. A friend of mine took my picture with him but I'm not sure if it came out (I don't have my pictures developed yet). When I tried taking pictures of the concert after intermission, everything was blurrry. It took me about 10 minutes before I figured out what happened. Somehow I must have switched my lens from AutoFocus to Manual Focus during intermission! After the intermission, a lot of fans went up to the stage and stayed there for the second half of the show. I decided to just stay in my seat after what happened during my favorite song ("Summer Days"). After the concert, I went out for dessert with some friends. We ran into the band members in the hotel lobby, hotel elevator and the restaurant across the street. David was nowhere to be found though. The band members were staying on separate floors because they got off on different floors when I was on my way up to my room. I think I figured out which room was David's. If only his room was right above mine, I could have cut a hole in the ceiling and have him drop by! (Just kidding!) LOL Joyce
Fans' reports on Jade's Downunder Fansite
Well did I really go to a David Cassidy concert last night, or was it just a dream. It seems so unreal now despite the fact I am wearing the tour T-Shirt ($35) and have the program ($15), now didn't that put a dent into my bill paying money, haha. I need to see more shows to make it real, it was like seeing him for the first time, it has been ssooooo looonnnnggg since 1974 and I can remember everything back than leading up to the show but not David on stage, which I find sad and strange. My mom and I stayed at a little local motor inn not far from the venue, had dinner at the Thai restaurant there but had to rush it, as it took longer to be served than expected, even though there were few people there, but it appeared they also did take-out. Quickly freshened up so we would be ready for the cab when it arrived. Shoved my cameras down the bottom of my bag and stashed a few things on top, wallet, bottle of water etc., hoping that if they wanted to check bags, maybe they wouldn't dig down into it. Got to the venue easily and strolled up the stairs to the foyer, there was a steady stream of people going in, mostly woman of various ages, some husbands and boyfriends, a few kids and older folk to like my 79 year old mom. On entering the foyer, straight in front of me was a stand selling programs, just pictures, no song list or any write-ups like a mini biography would have been nice, but a nice color brochure just the same. Of course you have to have a program, no matter what, I do like to collect these and still have my programs from way back when I saw Victor Borge and Bob Hope among others. Than a stop at the merchandising stand, just had to have a T-shirt, all they were selling was the program, T-shirt and the CD Then and Now. So now armed with the T-shirt and program (I had already bought the CD a few weeks earlier). The T-shirt is different from the one on DC.com, same wording but the picture and font are different. We strolled around and I stopped to make a ticket enquiry for another show, when a girl called me over and asked if I wanted a front row ticket, for a split second my heart stopped because I thought she was giving it away, as if! The girl the ticket was for was sick, so they were trying to sell it at the ticket price, just so they wouldn't lose money, tickets were still being sold at the box office. At the end of the show one of these girls scored a towel but not from David, after he was gone I think they grabbed it when no one was looking, she wasn't going to let it go no matter what . Another girl had jumped on the stage and grabbed a towel but security quickly grabbed it back before she could leave the stage. Also tried to find a poster I could stand in front of, so I could get a pic of me and David, haha, but none was around. They had big signs above the doors of the next few concerts, but too high to include me and I didn't think to take a snap of it on its own. Sat outside the door we were to enter just to
see what they were doing, were they checking bags?, asking questions about
camera, etc.? But no just checking the tickets. Well went in and was shown
our seats. We were in the 6th row, I thought we were in the 5th, but didn't
matter because it gave a lot of moving space, to get up and take pictures,
etc. and maybe get up to the stage. I was thinking the seating would be
like a standard theater, (it has been years since I was last at the venue),
The venue was curtained off to at least half its usual size and was filled only to about two thirds capacity, maybe a 1000 but I could be overestimating because I didn't try to calculate it when I was there. But everyone around at restaurant, the cabby, etc. knew David was the one appearing that night. About 8pm the lights dimmed and the support act came on, twin girls who sang quite well and I knew and sang along to all the songs, but the sound equipment was a bit loud and spoiled it a bit, I finally stuck a small wad of tissue in each ear and that soften the harshness and made them sound even better. They sang a variety of songs from different artist. They were on till about 8:30. I pulled out my digital camera and was testing it out on taking a picture or two of the girls, although I had played around with the camera, testing etc. days before. My mom nudge me and told me one of the security was looking at me and so she was trying to block the guys eyeline to me, so I wouldn't get caught. I wasn't using my flash but he must of seen the lighted view screen on the camera. Others were flashing away so couldn't work out why they would signal me out. Anyway put the camera away because I didn't really want pics of the girls (sorry girls). Intermission came, so took a break, you know ladies, comb the hair etc. Afterall don't want to have to take a break during "his" part of the show. Well David comes next, so you all come back now ....... While we waited, we heard clapping going on behind us and turned to look to see what was going on, the twins had come out and were going to be audience members too. Around 8:45 I asked one of the security guys how much longer, and they said "he's walking back stage now." So sat down and waited "anxiously". The band came on and played there intro, but all we wanted was David and the girl to my left said something like "get on with it, we want David". I turned to her and agreed. I noticed that while the band played, security guys set themselves up in the laneways between the chairs and crouched down. Than David's backup singer the one with the curly hair, just can't think of her name right now (sorry I’m afraid I had David on my mind, I’ll probably remember as soon as I post this), announced “Are you ready to rock?”, and we screamed “YES”, “I can’t hear you, are you ready to rock?”, we screamed even louder “YES!” “Here he is the ........ David Cassidy” and out he came. The cheers went up and those in the front rows rushed to the stage. I leaped to my feet with others, clapped and yelled out. David said something like "are you ready to rock Brisbane", (gosh I wish I could remember "exactly" what he said throughout the night but I can't :-{ ). Of course I and others screamed out "yes", clapped and waved. He pronounce Brisbane correctly too. I'm pretty sure he sang "I Can Feel Your Heartbeat" first and I noticed that the security guys I mentioned above were stopping anyone from beyond the 5th row going up to the stage, so I was upset I couldn't get any closer. For the first two or three songs I felt stuck where I was. During these first songs after Heartbeat, some of the girls were touching his legs and one either deliberately or accidently (I’ll give her the benefit of the doubt) went a little too high and he made a joke of it but pulled back a little. He talked about age saying something like “funny thing about age, the hair gets shorter and the teeth longer, hair receeds and hair starts growing in your ears”. Banter like that and along those lines. As I took a few pics, a woman dressed in the promotors/backstage black shirt came up to me and asked if I was using a digital camera, at that moment I had my film camera in hand and my digital hanging from my left wrist, I said this is a film camera and the other a digital. Well she said “if you use the digital I will have to confiscate it”, so I quickly packed it away, l certainly didn't want to lose the few pics I had already gotten. After that I went on watching David for a few
songs, my mom saying things like “quick get a picture now, while he’s not
behind the mike”, but I was also keeping a eye on that security guy. I
noticed that a few gals rushed past him before he could stop them, but
he stopped a couple of others going past, so while he was distracted with
them I quickly whizzed past and got up to the stage area, by this time
several dozen had congregated. My mom was watching me and later told me,
"oh good she
She watched me from her seat and hoped I would get to shake his hand, she got up and danced a bit, etc. during the show and said she really enjoyed it. After another song or two he stood and spoke and some girls were calling out to him, he answered one or two at his feet and than went on talking. A sign was handed up saying "thanks for the kiss yesterday", I found out later from the girl herself that she was one of the gals who caught up with David in the car park at Brisbane airport, unfortuantely not one of the lucky 3 that met David at his hotel, mentioned in another concert review by "Favi". Other stuff was handed up to him, one girl handed him a yellow scarf with his name and face on it. He wrapped it around his neck and talked about it. This girl who to me was a little strange, perhaps a little drunk or on something and who frankly I found out later stank when she stood next to me, called out “give it to me”, as if he would give it to anyone but the original owner! Another girl handed up the tour poster and he joked that the skinny guy on the left looked better than the fat guy on the right (him now on left). He went on talking to the audience and the strange girl started calling out to him while he was talking “David, David I’m talking to you”, pointing her finger at him “David I’m talking to you”. Anyway he smiled and shushed her saying “I’m talking here, these people came to hear me, not you”, the audience agreed. She shut up and David went on talking. I can’t remember exactly what he was saying but it was along the lines of why it had taken so long to return, about his career flourishing and time commitments, being busy with other projects, etc. He sang alternating between holding the mike, it was at these times he shook hands, to playing his guitar, or staying put in front of the mike. I can’t remember all the songs, but he sang these (not in this order), “I Think I Love You”, oh and before he sang it said something like “I will always sing this song for you to the day I die”, everybody heard the opening notes and starting screaming and clapping. He did this towards the end of the show. He sang “The Last Kiss” and at the end he paused and was about to sing the last line when the mike gave off that squealing type noise and he turned away, you could tell he was pissed off, shaking his head. A few moments later he picked up his guitar. I noticed and my mom and everyone else I suppose noticed he kept directing what seemed to be to his band members, to go faster or louder, or something, but I am pretty sure he only did this when playing his guitar, so I now think that maybe he was signally whoever was on the sound board to do whatever. I don’t think he was really happy with the sound equipment, etc. at the Entertainment Centre. My mom even mentioned how he seem to be getting more tense, particularly towards the end. Somebody asked if he would do “I Woke Up In Love This Morning” and he answered something like “your wish is my command”, then sang that song, probably just a fluke because it seemed like it was the next song he was going to sing. “It’s One Of Those Nights” (I think), “Rock Me Baby” (grinding his hips forward), “Ricky’s Tune”, “Ain’t No Sunshine” (one of my favorite songs even before David and now a bigger favorite). “Cherish” during this he got half way through, he stopped singing, the band kept playing wondering what was going on, David was looking down, than signaled for the band to stop, giving that cut at the throat signal. He stepped back from the stage, I don’t think he was happy but tried to make a joke of it a bit and said. “During the chorus someone decided to untie my shoe.” he was sort of shaking his his and half smiling, than got back into the song. “Point Me In The Direction Of Albuquerque”, which he said was his second most favorite PF song, (this has always been one of my favorites too). “Some Kind Of A Summer”. He did a Beatle song, "I Saw Her Standing There", and talked about seeing these guys on TV in 1964 when he was 13, there was a bit of banter about age, someone yelled out they were 6, someone 10, etc. and David was joking saying I was 4 (I think). Anyway he said once he saw the Beatles (these guys) that he knew that is what he wanted to do. I wish I could remember more of the songs, I’m sure he did others off the “Then and Now” CD plus others. I’m afraid I was lost in the moment, I know I sang along with every song. He introduced each member of the band in a sing song style and let them play a bit, he stood behind the guitarists and sort of mimicked there movements with his arms around them, jamming away with them, etc. and his backup singers, they have great voices when you hear them on there own, I didn’t notice in fact I wouldn’t have known they were singing if I hadn’t seen them, I was too busy listening to David to care. About three quarters of the way through he grabbed a towel, he had it wrapped around his neck, he was drying his neck, face, hands, etc. and unbutton some buttons and was drying himself off, not blatantly, but of course we were letting him know we liked it and wanted him to leave the buttons undone. He said “I’m not doing this for effect but necessity”. Unfortunately he button the shirt back up, LOL, to the moans of a few gals. During this time he talked about life, about living, the world, about us all being connected, being brothers and sisters, etc. I wish I could remember exactly what he said, as it was very good and meaningful. Earlier when he first grabbed a towel and was drying his face and neck, I called out “Can I have the towel, David” which he ignored or didn’t hear. That strange girl I mentioned before decided to start asking too, so I just shut up. Also earlier in the show he mentioned how he and all the band members loved it here and that the band after just two days were saying “I’m want to move over here”, I think David also said he’d like to live here too. The crowd loved that idea of course. He also joked around a few times about the audience, one time he joked about the guys having been dragged there by there wives/girlfriends, sitting there mumbling about this guy David, etc. Also he said this group in the middle front, joking they were just sitting there with there arms crossed, while “over here” he pointed right and left “and the people in the back, are really groovin' along but you lot in the front here nothing, come on, get up and dance”, not his exact words but I think you get what I mean. It was very funny what he said and did. Then it was all over, he finished a song, said “thank you and goodnight” and left the stage, but I knew with the shouting for more he would come back. He sang “Hollywood Nights” and another song and was gone and never came back, boo hoo. That was the horror of the night, it was all over ..........! He was on for 90 minutes, it went by too fast. I danced and sang along to all the songs, stretched my hand out often for a touch, called out a few times, took lots of pics. The stage was about 5 feet high, so David had to really bend down to touch hands. He only went down on his knees once and it was at the opposite side of the stage from where I was. I would have liked to go to the stage door to see if I could catch him leaving, if he hadn’t left immediately, but I couldn’t desert my mom, leaving her sitting around for heaven knows how long when she was getting tired, it had been a long day all round. The crowd seem to disappear quickly, so we had no trouble getting a cab back to the motel. It was all over and now I had to let it all go and get back to real life. The end! (hey I heard that snicker from the sidelines, LOL) I hope you all enjoyed my review, I know I rambled but couldn't stop myself. As I send this last bit off I know those in Melbourne are watching David and having a great time (if he does the same time schedule as here). I'm there in spirit, but boy it is hard sitting here all by myself knowing what is happening in Melbourne. DAVID ROCKED MY WORLD AND CONTINUES ON TO ROCK AUSTRALIA Charlotte More fans' reports on Jade's Downunder Fansite
Hey Everyone, Roni and Sue here sitting at my little place, very tired after a late night seeing DC, but would do it all again in a heartbeat, make that half a heartbeat, he was, gawd, where do we begin to tell you, WONDERFUL, FABULOUS, TERRIFIC, AMAZING, GORGEOUS, IN FINE VOICE, you name it he was it and more!!!!!!!!!! We got to the venue around 7.30 by the time we met together at Jim's place and convoyed it from there in four cars, it was a warm evening and a pleasant walk from where we all had parked. Unfortunately there were a lot of other people around who were attending another concert at the venue right next door, but while there was a lot of them, there were still a good number walking towards the Vodafone and David!! As soon as we walked in the entrance, as Char said in her report there was a stand with t-shirts, CD's and programs, t-shirts were $35 and programs $15, so Roni and I both bought a t-shirt and a program each, didn't bother about the CD's since I already have the ones shared with me from the rest of you, (you know who you are). We just generally milled around talking to our friends until five minutes before 8 pm when the show was due to start, and then headed to our seats, excellent from the start, second row as we told you, and dead centre to the stage, how much more perfect could that be??? The show started with twin girls who called themselves "Teal", who were very young but very good, very strong voices says Roni, I agree. They were on for about half an hour, then the lights came up again for interval, that lasted about another 20 minutes or so, and people started to drift out of their seats towards the stage and two security ladies, (that's all there were), told them to return to their seats that they were welcome to head up once the lights dimmed again, but until then they wanted the stage area clear. It was a fairly high stage, about chest/shoulder height for me (I'm 5 ft 5). Anyway right about 5 minutes after 9 pm the lights went down, we literally clambered over the front row seats which Jim and Philip had already vacated and headed for that stage quick smart!! The Lon Bronson band came out and played a few bars of the opening sets of a lot of songs, then Candace and Lisa came out, then we think Lisa announced David, although she couldn't be heard, we were already making a lot of noise, next thing we knew THERE HE WAS!!!!!!!!!!!! Right in front of us, LITERALLY!!!! We were right under his nose!! Oh boy did he look sooooooooooo FINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He was dressed in black pants, and that bluey greeny satin shirt we have seen before in your photos, unbuttoned half way down, but hey who's complaining!! We really let rip for him, screaming and yelling and clapping!! Jim had brought one of his old scarfs very familiar to the U.K. girls cos you see them a lot in the old photos of his 70's shows!! Jim held it up from the start and David noticed it and a huge smile came on his face, he laughed and asked Jim if it was his, Jim said yes it was, and David thanked him and said "I love you for it". David paid some sort of compliment to Jim, not exactly sure what now!! Roni thinks something like "this guy is amazing". Anyway, songs, started with I Can Feel Your Heartbeat, and rather than spend ages trying to type all the song titles, he played much the same list as every else he has been playing!! His voice was in top form, and we sang along with almost every word, and the more we did, the more he smiled and laughed, he really seemed to be enjoying it!! Candace and Lisa were smiling too, looking at us in front just adoring David!!! And we were!! He did a few touching hands, at each end of the stage, but not so much with us, perhaps the foldback speakers were in the way as well, but also there were a couple of people beside us who were a real pain and touching him too much and he didn't like that!! One woman would touch his foot and scream out how much she had touched him, she was a right pest, and I had to tell her to shut up at one point cos she was so busy talking to her friend while David was singing about what item of underwear they were going to throw at him next I couldn't hear him!! This stupid woman took off her knee high stockings and threw them at him, he didn't know what they were!!! LOL!!!! The good things that went up on the stage were a few scrapbooks that he took from the audience to look at and talk to us about while we screamed our appreciation for the photos he was showing back to us, including one of the infamous shower scenes, nude, to which he said, I can't believe I had this one taken!! Then pointing out the scar, talking as if he didn't realise we already knew it was there, someone yelled out, show us, and he said "no I'm not showing you my scar" and laughed!! A few bits of underwear got thrown on stage including a men's pair to which he shook his head got the funniest look on his face and put them with the rest of the "offerings". One pair he got really naughty over, it was a very brief g-string number, with literally just elastic and a small portion of lace, he wanted to know who threw them up there and when someone owned up, we couldn't see her from where we were, but he asked her if she was wearing something similar, we think she said yes, and he got a very sexy grin on his face, and said "you are a very very bad girl"!! He loved it!!! It was written all over his face!! He spent a fair bit of time talking to us, but he himself admitted he was there to sing and sing he did, and we sang along with him as we said before. Roni threw a cap onto the stage with "Cambridge New Zealand" on it, he picked it up and wore it throughout one song, then in his excitement we think, he took it off and threw it back into the audience, it of course disappeared after that, Roni is disappointed but at least he wore it!! When we spoke to Lisa afterwards (more on that in a bit), she was surprised saying he doesn't usually do that and said she would ask him about it when she saw him later. All too soon, he was saying goodnight Melbourne and took off, we made a heck of a noise, chanting We Want David, then after what seemed like ages, we were beginning to wonder if he was coming back, but the lights hadn't come up, anyway he came back and did How Can I Be Sure and then Hollywood Nights (that's how we knew he would be coming back cos he hadn't done that song yet and Philip had said he always encored with that one or at least he had in Wollongong). Then all too soon he was thanking us including a personal thank you to Jim and Philip, and he was gone!! We screamed and yelled some more until the lights came up and we had to realise he was gone for good. But while the rest of the band had gone, Lisa was still there and running up and down the stage grabbing hands and picking up things from the stage, but she was really really nice, and so bubbly!! Stopping and talking with anyone to wanted to talk to her, which we both got to do, Roni about the cap incident, and me, I wanted to shake her hand and thank her, she and Candace were just great, during the intros of the band during the show, she and Candace really belted out a song with David, and their voices!!! Oh man, are they good!!! Roni says either of them could have solo careers in their own right, I agree!! Anyway I thanked Lisa and asked to to pass on my thanks to Candace too, she said she would. I also got to ask Lisa if she would pass on a message to David for me, I will tell the full story in a minute but I got to meet David at the Melbourne Airport when he flew in on Sunday and I told Lisa I didn't get the chance to tell him I love him would she tell him for me, she promised she would!! Then next thing security were telling us it was time to go they wanted to clean up and go home, it was already close to 11 pm so we probably got about an hour and half of show, give or take 10 minutes either side, but it went all too fast. Oh I also asked Lisa to ask David if he will please come back here soon, she promised she would do that too, she was sure he would want to come back. Roni also asked if she would tell him to come to New Zealand next time too, and Lisa said she for one would love to come there when she found out how close it is to Aus. But oh boy, what a night, we fell into bed around 1 am and surprisingly fell straight to sleep, surprisingly cos we were so hyped up!! David was just everything we expected and sooooo much more!!!!!!!!! THANK YOU DAVID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WE LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!! Now for my best news, for me personally, Jim had told me what time David was flying in on Sunday afternoon (I didn't tell you guys this cos Jim asked me not to, but I can obviously tell you now). Anyway, I headed out to the airport and got there around 4 pm, David's flight was due to come in around 4.30pm, met up with Jim, and a few others, there were about 10 of us there. Jim and Philip had bad news, Philip had gotten a call from David's publicist saying that if there was anyone at the airport to tell them to leave, that David didn't want to see anyone after what happened in Brisbane. EEk!! But Philip said, Jim and he had met David a handful of times, he knew them, they would then make themselves scarce and told us to chance it anyway, to head up to the gate lounge where David was due to come in and just mingle like regular people that way we could at least catch a glimpse of him as he came out and if he appeared upset we wouldn't bother him. Anyway his plane came in, we mingled in the gate lounge the doors opened and even though I was a fair way back as soon as the first person walked through the door, I knew it was him!! I told my girlfriend beside me "that's him" and at first he turned away and I thought well our chance is gone he's seen something and is bolting but two girls that I met at Jim's place took their chances anyway and walked over to him and sure enough by the time I got to where they were, there he was!! Looking gorgeous!!!! He was wearing a navy blue cap, glasses and a black t-shirt and jeans, he had someone with him, don't know who, a man, but he was smiling while David asked "how did you know that I was going to be here", one of the girls said, "oh we've been here all day and all night", David laughed and said "oh sure". He signed a few things that were thrust in his face, then it was my turn, I looked at him and he at me, and I said "David could I ask you something?" At first he said "No you can't" and my face must have said it all, cos he smiled and said "yes of course you can", (he was teasing me, naughty boy he is) and I asked him about the email he sent me two years ago when my David was sick and if he remembered sending it. He said "what's your name, I'll remember if I know your name", I told him "My name is Sue, the same as your wife", he said the same thing "same as my wife", and I pulled the framed email out of my bag and he took it and read it and said "I certainly do remember sending this". I reminded him of how worried I was about my David at the time and he said "I knew you were worried, that's why I sent it", oh you guys he was so wonderful!! I then showed him a photo of my David that I had also taken along, and he took that and looked at it and I told him "His name is David", he looked back up at me and gave me the most gorgeous smile with a look as though he was saying "yea, I know why you called him that", and next thing he was going, I called out to him "we're looking forward to tomorrow night David" and he said "yea, so am I" and I then yelled "thank you David" as he left. So that was it folks, my encounter with David, HE TALKED TO ME!!!!!!!!! EEEEEEKKKKKKKKKKKK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh he was so so sweet, I'm crying here now thinking about it, he remembered the email after two years and how much I was worried about my baby boy, I somehow managed to get out a thank you in between all the other things I said to him and how much it meant to me when he sent it, and he just smiled. I found out yesterday at Jim's place that another couple that were there that had a couple of things signed managed to get a photo of David talking to me, although you can only see the side of my hair, and you can see David's fingers touching my arm, I didn't even remember him doing that!! I asked them if they could get me copies of the photo and they said they would arrange it with Jim, so I hope I get them. They all said to me, "you got to talk to him the longest, lucky you", and he really did!! Oh boy, after 31 long years of dreaming about meeting him and talking to him, it finally happened!! I am exhausted after last night and everything, but I so want to see him again now!! I know I'm probably being greedy, but I wish I could have afforded to see him in more than just last night's show, although I was up the front, and I did reach out a couple of times hoping he would see me and remember me from Sunday, it didn't happen, and while I did what I did when I was 16, (don't ask me why I'm not sure I know), I started to cry when it was all over, I didn't want him to go!! I could have stayed there all night just looking at his gorgeous face, so close and yet so far!!! Roni and I wrote down all the songs we could remember from last night guys, they were: (not necessarily in the order of being played by the way) I Can Feel Your
Well that's mine and Roni's story folks, hope you enjoyed it!! I know we sure did, please David come back to Australia again soon, WE LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!! Sue
The security people had NO idea what they were in for...as soon as DC came on there was a surge (if small) to the front of the stage. Denise and Jane and Jade and everyone else what right up there. I sat about 5 rows back for a while so that I could take some photos...if they turn out they will be excellent. Then I joined the mini moshpit LOL and took a whole lot more photos with my digital camera...a couple of them are excellent, the rest are...excellent! All in all i think i have about 120 pics which someone will enjoy I'm sure! As for the man himself...he is charismatic...he knows what the audience wants and he gives it to them whole heartedly!! He had physical contact with the crowd, chatted to us and seemed to feel at ease with us. For a sizable crowd the concert felt incredibly intimate...all I needed was a recliner to feel at home. DC is still absolutely adorable and he can still sing. He has a lot of energy and here's that word again...charisma!! He interacted with the crowd, as I have said, as much as he possibly could...though a few women - and a couple of men, tried to drag him off stage (i wonder who that could have been?!) He got the obligatory underwear thrown at him...though i thought it was a bit scary when women took off their own and threw it up - though he did get a nice flash from one of the ladies who had taken off her bra!! Poor man looked a touch stunned. All in all DC was in great voice and seemingly in great humour - and he had an excellent and talented band behind him, especially his back-up singers!! Occy Hi everyone I'm back in Perth and back to reality at work, although to be honest didn't get very much done today, after all had loads of photos to show EVERYONE who came through my office door, lol. Firstly in my wildest dreams I NEVER truly believed that I would ever be as close to David Cassidy as I was on Monday night. As soon as the lights went down I literally flew over the front row seats, with Sue McConnell at my side and ended up right next to Jane at David's feet and of course stayed there for the rest of the night. He was absolutely sensational a real professional and he sounded so much better live than I could ever have imagined. He talked about his memories of the MCG and acknowledged some people he recognised in the audience. He seemed to have mixed up some words during Do you believe in Magic and then had trouble continuing because he kept laughing. I got to touch those wonderful hands a couple of times and was able to give him a small teddy ... with A LOT OF HELP from all the audience who ended up shouting to David "take the bear, take the bear" to which he was replying "take my hair - uuh what about my hair!!!), then he finally saw me holding up the bear and he took it and said "Oh take the bear", "Ok I've taken the bear and laughed". So to everyone who helped with that a very big THANK YOU. My favourite song was hmmmmmmm ... every one of them but if I had to pick one or two it would be I'll Meet You Halway and Last Kiss, he showed so much emotion while singing that song. My favourite moment hmmmmmm ... every second of the show, in particular when he just chatted with the audience while his guitar was being tuned. My biggest disappointment, now thats easy .... the show finished way too soon for me and also that the stage was so high that even today (Wed) my neck is still very sore. I actually have bruises under my arms from being pushed against the stage especially when he started singing I Think I Love You but hey who cares, I wear them with pride!!!!! The set list is as follows with help from Jane's review: I Can Feel Your Heartbeat
Well I'm so lucky I still have two more shows to look forward to and both here in Perth and I'm hoping that because they wont be my first that maybe I'll actually be able to remember more details. I'll post more when I remember more details. Denise
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Fans' reports on Jade's Downunder Fansite
Fans' reports on Jade's Downunder Fansite
Fans' reports on Jade's Downunder Fansite
Last night was the BEST NIGHT OF MY LIFE. I got to not only touch David, hold his hand a few times, give him my teddy, hold up a sign or two ...... BUT ....... I got to KISS HIM AS WELL. This is my story in no particular order. Firstly the crowd was small but tonight will be
much better (full house), and they were very reserved to start with and
David commented on how quiet everyone was and how he was really going to
have to work hard tonight. After singing all the usual songs someone
made that sound from La Bamba (areeba!!!) anyway he went back to the band
and next thing they started playing it and David came to the stage and
starting singing La Bamba and then thats enough (boy was he great especially
not being rehearsed). I held up a banner for the 1st song heartbeat
which said "Can "I" feel your heartbeat????" he read it and
The rest of the night as usual was a blur but
you know he did actually arrive on Tues like he was suppose to and a lady
He started to say something like the reason I'm wearing this guitar around my shoulder and around my body is because ... and then he paused ... and someone up the back yelled out "to hide your erection" and he laughed and then went on to talking about the Beatles and Ed Sullivan etc. After the show I could hardly talk because I'm losing my voice and then I was up till 3.00am talking to Amanda in our room while Jade slept so today my voice is terrible but I'll still do my best tonight. We met heaps more fans last night from Perth who want to keep in touch. I'M HAVING THE TIME OF MY LIFE and its so sad
to thinks its all over tomorrow, sob sob
Part 2:
David was sensational he gave me many special opportunites - maybe he realised that I wasn't about to pull him down (although I was tempted). He wore a rust coloured shirt which I can't remember seeing before but I know I must have and he looked well and happy. He sang all the usual songs with loads of chatting in between. He singled my hubby out because he wasn't doing the right thing and then asked that a spotlight be put on "this guy". I told him before the show to make sure he clapped along and looked like he belonged there but men they never listen to us. He held my hand I don't know how many times, sang to me, looked down into my eyes loads of times and how many times did I get to kiss him .... hmmmmmm that many I can't remember, ahhhhhhhhhh what a night. I gave him my final teddy after giving him one in Melbourne the second on Wednesday and then last night and when I handed it to him, he held my hand as well as the teddy and looked into my eyes as his lent over a bit and looked deeply into my eyes and said 'thank you' sounding so sincere, and I knew I was lost!! I've had lots of people ask me after the show what did I whisper to him and to be honest I have no idea because I don't remember doing it but apparently I did and he said something back to me - its times like that I wish I had a recorder attached to me to capture the special moments. The first time I kissed his cheek and my mouth was right near his ear I did say thank you so much and he smiled and when I sat down again my face was wet with his sweat, sigh!!!! Well I'm sure I will probably remember more details later but right now I'm tired, depressed and have no voice whatsoever. Denise
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The Rat Pack Is Back! More dates. Tickets are on sale NOW in person through the Mohegan Sun Box Office or from Tickets.com.
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