Chapter One

No. My answer was no. Am I stupid? You shouldn't even have to ask. Jimmy asked me to be his girlfriend and I said no?? Am I a total idiot? Fuck.

"Forget about it, Kitty, have some fun.. or as I like to say.. have some Fawn! get it?" Fawn giggled. We were at a club and I was getting hideously drunk. I didn't want to go to work on Monday. It's Saturday night. I should be at work. Fuck. I'll probably get fired. Like I care anymore. Why couldn't I just go to med school and be a doctor like my mom told me to? Flora was babysitting again, and Audra was on a date. It was just Fawn and I, drinking our problems away, though by morning they'll only end up coming back worse, I'm sure. I took a sip of my beer, then a long chug, staring up at the TV they had, sitting on a stool.

The bartender smiled. "What are pretty ladies like you two doing at a dump like this?" He said.

"Trying to kill ourselves." I muttered, hoping the beer would affect my liver. Fawn and the man laughed. It was my first beer in forever.. it was my first beer since a year or two ago. I'm not a heavy drinker. The bartender went off to help someone out, and Fawn started laughing at nothing. I was so damn jealous of her. She didn't have a single problem. She could smile and every guy would want her. Most of all, when she gets drunk she gets crazy. Me? I only get quiet and depressed.

She giggled again and said, "Oooh! Look at that cutie! I'm gonna go dance, find a hottie and get yourself out of that hole your digging, girl! Have some fun.. your finally not working on a Saturday." she hopped off her stool and walked to the man she had pointed out.

"Whatever," I slurred. I watched as she danced with the man, a beer in her hand. Gosh, was he grinding with her. I watched now as he whispered into her ear, then watched Fawn's expression change. She was obviously offended. She slapped him, and started to walk away when he grabbed her and threw her onto the floor.

Chapter 2