Chapter 14

"So, how'd the shopping go?" I asked. We were alone again.

"I dunno, it was fun, I guess." he shrugged. His towel was wrapped around his waist and he was drying his hair with another towel.

"You guess? What, you wouldn't want a kid?" I asked, trying to get into his head.

He raised an eyebrow up at me. "Those are the exact words that came out of Audra's mouth today," he said, closing the master bathroom door to get changed as I laid on his bed.

"Really? That's strange." I said. Hey, I'm an actress. I can make these things believable. "But you didn't answer my question." I smiled as he got out of the washroom in a wife beater and pajama pants.

"Your beautiful." he whispered, staring at me from the bathroom door.

I nearly melted. "Jimmy, you're trying to get off the subject aren't you?" I laughed.

He laughed with me. "I don't see why we should talk about it though. . ." he said, sitting beside me then laying his head on my lap. I played with his hair as he spoke to me softly, whispering "I love you, you know that, Cat. A baby is a whole other thing. It's another life. It's something you will love more than life itself. I don't know if I would be able to take the worry or the struggle of having a child y'know?" He looked up at me, obviously waiting for a reaction. I had none. I instead looked down at him and smiled.

"That's exactly what I was thinking, Jimmy." I smiled.

He chuckled, grabbing the remote from me. I laughed. "Oh, how are ya feeling?" he said, getting up and feeling my forehead.

"Oh, much, much better." I smiled, realizing that every word out of that sentence was a lie.

Chapter 15