Chapter 15

"I don't know what to do," I spoke to Audra in a tone of voice that told her I was being serious.

"We're here," I heard Fawn knocking on the door. I quickly opened it. They hugged me and I didn't want to let go really.

"I'm getting the call today... I wanted you guys to be here when we celebrate." I smiled, trying to make myself feel better. "And so, I went out and bought whatever I could to make this a party." I smiled. I walked them to the kitchen and showed the chips and dip and fruits and veggies, and of course: The Champagne. After all, how can you celebrate without champagne. I was trying to make myself feel more confident that I wasn't pregnant. The girls noticed, of course. I wouldn't have gone all out for nothing.

It was such a nervous feeling, realizing that the call that would set me to ease was hopefully minutes away. I knew I wasn't pregnant, I can't be.

"So, what are ya gonna do when ya find out your not pg?" Fawn asked, eating a Bar-B-Que chip. It crunched in her mouth and she licked her fingers.

"I'm going to call Jimmy up and party of course, and most of all. I've learnt my lesson guys. I'm gonna be a helluva lot more safe when I'm with Jimmy. He might not like it, but fuck him right?" I laughed.

"Right," They screamed together, then laughed.

"Yknow what?" Flora asked. "This looks like one of those scene's in the movies. Where all the girls come together, and its all about girl power and..." we stared at her.

Then burst out laughing. I was feeling so much better, when the phone rang. My heart leaped up. "This is it girls, get the champagne ready!" I said, then picked it up on the second ring, reading the caller ID that said it was from St.Anne's Hospital. "Hello?"

"Hello, is this Catherine Ferry?" the woman's voice on the other line said.

I saw Flora giggle at one of Fawn's jokes and used my hands to quiet them down. Audra picked up the champagne bottle and got it ready. "This is she."

"Yes, Miss. Ferry, I'm calling to confirm for you that you are pregnant. Congratulations."

Chapter 16