Chapter 17

A month into my pregnancy and everything is still going fine. I'm not getting heavy, yet. And I haven't told Jimmy yet. I don't know when I should... I dont know if I should. What would he say to me? "Gee, Cat.. I just remembered I don't love you." I was always letting my mind wander now, as I thought about what kind of life my son or daughter would live. I wondered if Jimmy would propose to me. Then I started letting my mind wander into how he would propose. I felt like a little girl again, dreaming about a perfect life. I pulled some pickles out of the fridge as I heard a door open then close. "Kitty? You here, baby?"

I jumped. "Yep, I'm in the kitchen." I yelled back to Jimmy. He walked into the kitchen and stared at me as I ate a peanut butter and pickle sandwich. "Hey, I'm great and you?" I asked sarchastically.

"What are you doing?" he asked walking up closer to me.

"Eating." I answered and smiled.

"Those are pickles." he said, pointing to my sandwich.

"I know that," I laughed.

"You hate pickles." he said, sitting down beside me.

"I do?" I asked, turning red as I remembered women get cravings for strange food when they are pregnant.

"Ya, remember? I took you to McDonalds last week and you flipped because you asked for no pickles and they put pickles." He said, raising an eyebrow up at me.

"Oh." I said, staring at my sandwich. It was completely sick, but I couldn't stop eating it. It was kinda strange. I stared up at Jimmy. "Oh my God, don't move." I said. He paused, completely out of motion. "There is something on your lip," I said, trying not to laugh, then quickly moving in and kissing him. He laughed. "All gone now." I winked.

Chapter 18