Chapter 18

The skits were only improving lately, I was getting into more and more. I had a recurring sketch with Rachel and Will. Everyone was treating me like a part of the family. It felt good. I watched as Jimmy got ready for Weekend Update, quickly dressing up in his suit. Then, he looked into the mirror and frowned at me. I frowned back as a joke and he turned around. "Whats up with my hair lately?" he asked, trying to fix it in the mirror.

"That's a good question." I smirked.

"No no, I'm serious. What am I gonna do about this?" He said, staring at his mop of hair. It had been getting long, and I truly didn't mind, although I had always loved the spiky hair look.

"Cut it... then spike it. It was so hot that way," I said, getting up and playing with his hair.

"You've got a point..." he muttered, then started kissing my neck. "I hate it when your right," I felt him smile. I giggled.

"Get going, babe, and don't mess up again, you know Lorne hates that." I laughed. He looked back at me and pecked my lips.

"I love you." he said, then smiled and walked out the door, closing it behing him.

I melted as I touched my neck, where he was kissing me. Ugh, I hate being in love. I smiled for a second and decided I would watch Weekend Update backstage.

Chapter 19