Chapter 19

"Everything seems to be fine, Miss Ferry, although you haven't brought in the father yet." Betty, my gynecologest says. "You do know who the father is, correct?" she looks down at me, through her large rimmed glasses.

I lay back on the hospital bed, wondering whether or not I should ask her. "I know the father, for sure I know him." I said. "Betty?"

"Yes, darling?" she looks back at me as she places the folders in the files.

I shudder at the nicknames she has been calling me, as if just because she gets to look inside of me she can call me whatever she wants. "What do you think of an abortion?"

Her head shoots up, and she glances at me uneasily. I suddenly grew very nervous. Betty was an old, fat, intimidating woman. She walks up close to me. "An abortion is a big deal, Catherine. A very big deal. You weren't planning on having this baby?"

I was two months into my pregnancy now, and I was scared. I felt myself become more and more scared not only for me, but for my child. I don't smoke, and I stopped drinking, I thought everything would be fine. But everytime I thought of delivering the baby, I got so scared. And then I'd think about what Jimmy would say. "No, I wasn't." I said.

"Well, that is completely your choice, Cathy. I presonally don't agree with it, but you get a lot of people who do that now-a-days. The sideaffects are many, and they are truly painful." she says, looking me straight into the eye, as if trying to figure out who the father was by piercing through me.

"I know," I whispered.


I lay in my apartment bed, rubbing my stomache, considering pro's and con's of abortion. The phone rang. I jumped out of my comfortable position and pick it up. "Yea?" I asked.

"Yea? Hello to you too," Jimmy laughed on the other end. "You okay babe? You sound a bit distant.."

"Oh no, I'm fine, I was just watching Maury and it's the strangest episode." I said, quickly flipping the channel to Maury incase he'd ask.

"Ya? What about? Those shows are always about freaks.." he chuckled.

" 'I'll Prove Your The Father' " I said, then smacked myself for even bringing up the idea.

He laughed. "Hey, can I come over and watch with you?"

"Yeah, come on, I'll put some pizza in the oven," I said slowly.

"Alright, honey, I'll be there in like, 10 minutes." I could almost hear him get excited. No matter how used I was to him, I could still get nervous around him.

Coming soon....Chapter 20

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