Chapter 20

"Are you serious?" Jimmy said. I nodded, scared of the look on his face. "What the fuck are you trying to do to me, Cat?" he yelled. "Just when my career is finally taking off, your gonna drag me down with this bullshit!" He said, getting up from his chair where we had been eating pizza, and knocking over his plate.

"Jimmy, I'm sorry," I pleaded. "I never meant for this to happen, how was I supposed to know?"

He stared at me, hate in his eye there that I had never seen before. He looked me up and down icily. "What? Are you jealous or something of me, because I'm doing better than you are?" he said harshly. He raised his hand, about to strike me.

"Cat..." I was suddenly drawn back into reality by Jimmy, waving his fingers in front of my eyes. "Woah, I thought I'd lost ya or something," he chuckled. "This is good pizza." he smiled at me.

I blinked. "Thanks," I said simply, trying to relocate myself. I was in my apartment, watching Maury with Jimmy, and eating pizza. I looked back at Jimmy as he stared at me with concern.

"Cat, are you alright? You've been really distant lately, I've been going crazy trying to figure out if you'll be okay," He gave me a half-smile, then a puppy dog face. "Please tell me, baby?"

I sat for a second. What would I say? Well, there's nothing like getting right to the point, Catherine. And Jimmy always said he loves it when your blunt.

I bit my lip. "Jimmy," I looked up at him, directly into his eye. He stroked my hand gently, as if trying to confort me. I stuttered on my words. What I had been planning for two months was crashing down on me. "Jimmy, I'm pregnant."

Chapter 21