Chapter 21

"Are you serious?" Jimmy said, not really posing it as a question. I nodded and he blinked. Once. Twice. Three times.

I opened my mouth to say something-- anything, but I couldn't think of anything. We were completely silent.

"For how long?" his voice was low, and he stared down at the pizza, as if it were interesting enough to be hung on a wall and be called art.

"Two months." I whispered, stuttering on the 'two'. He looked up at me instantly, obviously shocked. His lips moved in together, as if about to say something, but he stopped himself. I felt my tears ripping at my eyes, begging to be free. Two months of wondering whether or not he would leave me were depending on this moment. Two months of rubbing my tummy and wishing away the thing living inside of it. Two months was too long to be summed up in two seconds.

Jim pushed his chair back and got out of it, starting to pace lightly. He looked worried. But then, why wouldn't he, having discovered that he would be a father of a child in a quick 7 months. "Is it mine?" he said, not staring at me, thinking there was a chance that it could have been Chris'.

"Yes." I said, raising my voice so he could hear me. He turned back around, and I decided now would be the time to plead him to stay or at least tell him I still love him. "Jimmy, I'm sorry and I don't know how this happened, just..." I paused, as the tears streaked down my cheeks. "Just please don't leave me." I stuttered, realizing how stupid I must sound. "Jim, I love you, you know that, and I--"

He shushed me. "I love you too, Cat." He said, walking back to the table and up to me, then running his hands through his hiar and sighing. "And I'm going to love this child more than I love you, if thats possible." He said sincerely, then leaned in to kiss me. I sobbed slowly, happy I was with him.

Chapter 22