Chapter 23

I sipped my Coke at the Burger King table as Jimmy chewed on a fry, a hat covering his face from people, and sunglasses on mine. We must have looked suspicious, but no matter. Jimmy looked up at me and laughed.

I stared. "What now?" I smiled.

"Come here," he said softly. I leaned in closer, and he brushed a piece of mayonnaise off my chin. I burst out laughing.

"Oh my God, that's embarassing.." I laughed, knowing my face must've been the colour of a tomato.

He laughed. "Don't worry about it," then licked his finger off.

I held my head in my hands and giggled out of control. "Lemme go pee," I laughed.

He smiled, "Sure you can leave me here all alone I don't mind." he said sarchastically.

I laughed. "Don't worry, that waitress over there had been staring at you, she'll keep you company," I chuckled, slightly jealous. "I'll be right back." I said, then walked over to the bathroom and into it, finding a clean stall. I did my business and when I got up I looked down at the toilet and prayed to God what I saw wasn't really there.

Blood. My little baby, there in the toilet. MY child. The thing I sacraficed a whole lot for was gone. I stared at it in shock. That was my daughter. That was my son. That was my everything. That was gone.

It took awhile for it to settle in, but as soon as it did, I got out of there, I couldn't cry at a Burger King there in front of Jimmy. I wanted to go home.

I quickly washed my hands, the look on my face that of a person who had seen s ghost. When I got out of there, I looked over at the table where Jimmy was supposed to be, and it was cleared off. He was gone too.

Chapter 24