Chapter 24

I blinked as I made sure I was looking at the right table. Yea, sure enough, he wasn't there. He left me, he must have. But why would he? I thought he loved me... I thought..

"Woah, honey what happened? Did somebody in there scare the shit out of you? Get it!?" Jimmy popped up beside me, laughing. I looked over at him, surprised, wanting to laugh at his corny joke but not caring enough to. His face changed to concern quickly. "Cat? Are you alright?"

"I'm on my period."

He blinked. "Uh, thanks for sharing, but I think you're forgetting I'm a guy."

I looked over at him, the perfect height. "Jimmy." I said strongly, looking him into the eyes. "When you are pregnant you aren't supposed to get your period." I struggled to say, finally breaking down. "I just had a miscarriage."

Alright, sorry I have to end it there lol... No no, thats not the end of the story but the story IS almost over, so what have you guys thought about it so far, hmm?

What do you think of the miscarriage?

Whats gonna happen to Cat and Jimmy?

Will Kattan get even sexier than now?

Will Jimmy and Chris hook up and play with each other's hair?

All this and more, in the next chapter of


dun dun DUUUUUUNN!

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