Give It A Shot--The Final Chapter

I looked around my dressing room.

Two weeks after the miscarriage, Lorne announced to me that I was "being released" after the season finale. It didn't come as a shock to me, I was actually expecting it.

Jimmy and I dated for about a month after that but broke up because we weren't able to see each other as often.

Don't look at this as a sad ending to an originally happy story. Because its really a happy ending. I'm still in love with Jimmy, and I talk to him every week or so. I haven't told him I'm still in love with him though, no no I'd never actually say that. I'd be too afraid of his reaction.

Chris and I talk actually more often than Jimmy and I do now. But still, everytime I see Jimmy, he has this cute smile on his face that reassures me that everything will be alright. It just puts me at peace really. Everytime he holds me close after we hadn't seen each other in weeks, or kisses my forehead. Its strange. I miss him. And I miss everyone at SNL too, of course.

I have a new job though, believe it or not, before I was "released" which basically means fired, an agent had called me and told me they had seen me on TV and wanted to interview me.

And now I model for Victoria's Secret and make more money than I ever would have at NBC. Strange how everything works out like that.

So, I gave it all a shot. Chris, Jimmy, Parenting... but none of it worked. Fawn went on a date with Jimmy once or twice, but they didn't work out either.

I still feel confused about how quickly it all happened. Over the course of almost two years, I gave all I could a shot.

Note to self: Never do any of it again.

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