Chapter 3

I pressed play on the machine and waited. The first call someone had hung up on me. The second was from Chris. "Hey, Cat, umm.. God, I dunno how to do this. First of all, sorry about that last call I got kinda nervous and hung up..." he chuckled slightly. "Anyway, I didn't want to leave this on your machine, but, I just wanted to say I'm sorry about how I reacted, your like a best friend to me, and I'm so sorry about that. I don't know what I was doing. Maybe I still felt something for you, or... ugh, I dunno. Look call me back when you get this message, alright? Thanks. This is Chris, by the way," he laughed again and hung up. I couldn't help but smile. I felt better hearing his voice. And he said he might've still felt something for me... maybe I still do too. I walked over to where my bedroom was and thought for a second, getting in.

And this is where you came in. This is where everything started. It's kinda like where they show you the end of the movie in the first scene.. yeah, well this is probably where it ends. I bet this is where tomorrow morning Fawn tells me her and Jimmy fucked and now they're dating. I bet this is where I get fired from my job. I bet this is where I start to cry. I sighed inwardly. This is where I asked where you draw the line between a friendship and a relationship. I heard a door close and I prayed it wasn't because they didn't want me to hear them. I felt my heart pump faster. I bit my lip. This is what I do when I'm about to cry. I choked a sob. I ruined everything when I turned Jimmy down, didn't I? I want to just march down to that bedroom and no matter what the two of them are doing, I'll call out for Jimmy and kiss him. Naked, or not. Ha, it'd be kinda funny if he was naked though. I giggled. Yeah, hell why not?

I got up out of my bed, feeling nervous but confident about what I was gonna do, then walked over to the room where Jim and Fawn were. Not bothering to knock, I walked in. And there was Fawn. Alone. Sound asleep. Had I imagined them together? Maybe I was just so paranoid that I pictured it all... no, I'm positive I saw it all. It had to be true. I suddenly began breathing heavily, as I walked to the front door, feeling as if I was being watched. I looked through the window, and low and behold, Jimmy's car was gone. I locked the door, feeling relieved but abandoned. I put my back up against the wall and slid down it, holding my head in my hands and crying.

Chapter 4