Chapter 4


"Oh, God." I muttered. Perfect. Sunday morning and I am having the worst hangover of my life. I rubbed my head and stared at myself. I was wearing my pants but my shirt was on the floor. I wondered what I had been doing the night before. I couldn't have been so wasted that I'd forgotten everything, could I? I imagined myself in the Dude, Where's My Car? movie, and cracked a smile, although it hurt.

I laid in bed for a little while, not caring about the time because I didn't have to be anywhere. I tried to think back to the night before, when I heard a dish crack onto the floor. I got up, my head throbbing and hoped Cat had prepared breakfast. Oh, God.

"KITTY? What the fuck are you doing?!" I tried to yell.

She was on the floor, picking up the pieces of glass carelessly, as I watched the glass dig into her fingers, causing small blood pools on the kitchen floor. "I was washing the dishes, but I dropped the glass. I didn't mean to wake you up." Her voice was husky, and something about it felt harsh and I felt like cleaning up the shattered glass on the floor, but I was too dizzy. The sight of the blood was making me want to vomit. I quickly grabbed the bottle of Aspirin from the fridge, and took two, without needing any water to chug them down.

"You scared the shit out of me," I muttered. "Go wash your hands, I'll get the band-aids and clean this up." I ordered her. She didn't hesitate as she walked to her washroom, leaving traces of blood behind her on the hard wood floor. Suddenly, I realized why Cat had been so careless. Because she didn't care. I remembered the Jimmy and Chris situation. I remembered the club last night. I remembered the drunk guy. I remembered Jimmy grabbing my arm to get me away from him. I remembered taking off Jimmy's shirt. "Oh, fuck." I ran to the washroom where she was, dodging the blood. "Cat??"

"What?" she whispered. I was beginning to be annoyed. She washed her hands off, but the blood always came back, never giving up. It was all over and inside the sink.

"I'm sorry." I whispered back.

She stared at me. Her eyes began to tear, and the sight of her left me breathless. I was going to cry. I wrapped my arms around her, in a bonding hug, and she hugged back. I felt the blood from her fingers all over my shirtless back and my bra. "I'm sorry," I repeated again, choking a sob.

Chapter 5