Chapter 5

His arms wrapped around my body as I shivered from the cold. What had dragged me out from inside and here, to his house, where we were currently outside, simply embracing each other. "I love you," I whispered to Jimmy, waiting for his love to return to me... I heard him inhale, and the smell of his cologne instantly became my favourite. Then he exhaled and I felt him pause. "Your supposed to say it back, Jim."

"It back?" he answered, almost as if it was a question. I pulled away.

"What?" I shrieked. Suddenly, I was falling, but I hit the ground running. I ran. Quickly, swiftly, but not fast enough. What am I running from? Whatever it was it was coming quickly. I felt my breath clog into my throat, and I was again falling. Falling but still running. It was a strange feeling... and when I fell, I--

"Wake up, dammit!" Audra smiled down at me. I was surrounded by people, well, it felt like I was surrounded. It was Audra, Fawn, Flora, Chris, and ... Jimmy. He was blushing like a maniac. Oh, God. I suddenly remembered I talk in my sleep. Fawn and Flora were giggling as well... I was suddenly extremely nervous. My palms grew sweaty, but I couldn't feel the sweat. I looked down at them, covered in bandages.

"You okay, sweetie?" Chris smiled at me. I almost fainted. He was should I say this? How about 'GORGEOUS?!' "Fawn called us over after the doctors let you come home, they just needed to stitch up a couple of your cuts. Don't worry, the scars will be gone in no time, Cat"

"God, I'm tired.. how long have you guys been here?" I asked.

"Curiousity killed the Cat," Chris winked.

I laughed. "This Cat's got nine lives," I winked back. Flora raised her eyebrows at me, and I realized I was shamelessly flirting. Oh well, Jimmy doesn't care, I'm sure. Besides, he was my ex, we can still flirt. At this point, Jimmy's face was red and his knuckles were slightly clenched. He was obviously not used to me flirting with Chris. I tried to remember what I was talking about, when I realized Fawn was mouting something to me. The room got silent and Fawn quickly stopped.

Chapter 6