Chapter 6

My fingers curled around Chris' hair. We were well... making out. It felt like it had been forever since I had last touched him, so here I was now, beginning to feel like I was in love with him again. It was strange, because although we were alone, it felt like we were being watched. I pulled away, the feeling that someone had been watching was overwhelming me... or was it just love for Chris? I felt confused again as Chris smiled at me, and began speaking words I couldn't hear because my headache had come back. He smiled again, then leaned in and kissed my forehead, getting up to leave, I heard him mention water and tylenol for me, and as he began to walk out the door, he stopped dead in his tracks. I looked over at the doorway.

"Jimmy," I whispered. He was standing there, water and tylenol already in his hands. I felt myself become a crimson red. Chris turned back around and stared at me, and at this point I felt myself choke. Don't cry. Don't cry. My life had turned into a soap opera. Y'know the ones you see on TV where there's a girl who's got two boyfriends and she can't decide which one is the father of her baby so she stops eating and then ends up in the hospital, where she later finds out her parents died in a car accident and her sister was in the other car and that her ex boyfriend killed her new boyfriend... my head swirled as I returned to the scene around me. A scene perfect for a soap opera.

"Excuse me," Chris whispered to Jimmy softly, trying to get through the doorway. Jimmy moved for him and in a matter or seconds, we were alone. I couldn't think of what to say. What would I say? 'Geez, Jim I'm sorry you had to see that.' Would he be the first to speak. No, it was quite obvious he was waiting for me.

"Come here," I whispered, my voice cracking. He looked up at me, and it felt like he could look through me. He wasn't moving. Just his chest, heaving in. And out. I suddenly grew scared that maybe he had learned that I wasn't anything special. I wasn't something guys really wanted. I was what I was in high school; "a cheap fuck". The words rang in my head as he stood there, almost mocking me. I could hear him say it. "Come here," I said strongly. He stared at me for a second and finally, walked over.

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