Chapter 7

I tried to think of something to say. Something that would make up for everything I had done to him. My thoughts were a blank page and although certain words had been running in my head to say, I didn't consider saying them. Jimmy stared at the carpet, in the meantime, as if he was memorizing its patterns. I waited a little while, trying to see if maybe he'd look up. I stared at his hands, as they fidgeted with the bottle of tylenol. Then, as if he knew I'd been watching his hands, he quickly put the bottle of tylenol and water onto the table beside me. I cleared my throat, and of all the things that I said, I said "Thanks for the Tylenol."

"Ya, I didn't know how many to get you from your cabinet, so I just took the whole bottle." he smirked, still staring from the carpet to his hands. I laughed. My eyes moved from staring at him to my hands. Ugh, the bandages on them covered parts of them... it looked as if I had tried to do it on purpose. "Did it hurt?"

My eyes shot up. He was getting back into talking to me, at least. "Did what hurt?" I asked, confused.

He smiled, finally staring at me. "Falling on the ground and breaking your ass, Cat. I'm talking about your hands." we laughed.

"Well, I can't really remember, actually. I've felt worse pain," I said.

"Yeah," his voice drifted. "I think everyone knows what its like to be in pain like that, I guess." I nodded with him, when he abruptly got up, pulling up his shirt and slightly moving his pants down.

"What the fuck are you doing?" I giggled.

He smiled and pointed to the scar on his lower hip. "See this? I got that when I was 13, thanks to a piece of glass." I smiled. The scar was faded, but it was none the less still there.

"Sounds painful," I said. He shrugged. "You mean to tell me that wasn't painful?" I smirked.

He gave a half smile, looking straight into my eyes. "Of course not,"

I laughed, slightly pushing him. "You are such a bad liar!" He laughed.

"Yeah, well, I can't say the same for you..." he muttered.

Chapter 8