Chapter 8

I paused, trying to comprehend what he was trying to say. Then remembered what I had put him through over the past 72 hours or so. "Jimmy, let me explain. . ." I wanted him to interrupt. The last thing I wanted to do was talk about this. I didn't even want to think about it at this point.

"So, do you?" he stared at me, as if what he had just said made any sense to me.

"Do I what?" I asked.

"When we were trying to wake you up, you said.. y'know..." he stared back at the floor.

I felt myself turn a crimson red as I tried to think back to what my dream was about. "Oh, God." I whispered. "What did I say in my sleep?" I asked, not really wanting to know the answer.

"Cmon, Cat.." he snickered, thinking I was joking. I gave him a look that proved I wasn't. "Cat, you said you love me."

I blinked. Oh, God. Oh, God. I wasn't embarassed about the fact that I said I love him, I was simply embarassed because I had nothing to say about it. I couldn't even say I don't love you. . . maybe because it wasn't the truth? I blinked again, my brain trying to process. It was all a bit too much for me. "Jimmy, I--"

"Its alright, Cat. Because I love you too," he said, slowly kneeling forward toward me. I stared at him for a second, and figured: "Screw it, the guy loves you, don't break his heart and tell him your not sure you feel the same." Then what am I supposed to do? Lie about it until he gives up on me? I stared back at him. Finally, I decided what he needed was a kiss. I grabbed his shirt collar and brought him in for one. It wasn't a second that we were kissing before our tongues were already interwined. I thought to myself, strangely enough, as we kissed, and I kept thinking, 'when did I fall in love with him? . . . when did he fall in love with me?' and the same words kept running over and over in my head as we kissed. "Why is it we never recognize the moment love begins, but always know when it ends?" I pulled away abruptly, remembering where the quote had came from in my head. It was my boyfriend in high school, when one day, the man I loved had left me a simple note inside my locker, with those words attached.

Jimmy looked at me thoughtfully, as if he wanted to know every thought inside of me. I stared at his features, melting underneath his gaze, as he leaned in and began kissing down my jawline and over to my neck.

Chapter 9