Chapter 9

At this point, Jim and I have been dating for two weeks. It was strange because I knew I loved him. We had been friends for so long, we knew each other inside and out. And now we were publicly dating. Everyone on SNL knew about it, and yet--as Jimmy's career soared--my career floated on ground level. Occasionally, I would be in a couple skits a week, which was still amazing, but then I'd look at Jimmy or Chris or Will, and realize how I'm almost nothing compared to them... it was... strange.

Seeing as how Jim and I had known each other for so long, we had already been having sex. I was on The Pill, so we could ahem.. do "it", yes "it", without protection. It was kinda strange being with him, because I had never pictured myself to be so close to him.

I stared at his features as I watched him speak on a Monday morning. We were having an SNL meeting, and he was voicing his ideas and opinions. I looked around the table, soaking it all in, knowing I shouldn't take this all for granted. I felt something coming up my throat, and I quickly excused myself as the people nodded me away. I lightly jogged into the bathroom, pulled up the toilet seat, and vomited. I felt like crying. This had happened to me yesterday while Flora was over. She was worried, suggesting that it could be "morning sickness", I told her it couldn't be, because Jimmy and I are safe and I'm on the Pill anyway. I shrugged it off at that point, but now I was worried. Nah, its probably the flu. I coughed slightly, reaching into my purse, searching for anything I could use to get the smell of throw up out of my mouth. It was at this point I heard someone walk in.

"Oh, my God, are you alright?" it was Maya, and her reaction to seeing me on the floor. "You look pale, honey." She placed her hand on my forehead and pulled it away. "Oh, my God, whats wrong, Cat?" she asked. I looked up at her, feeling faint. I felt like I was floating. I tried to say something but I wanted everything to stop spinning first. It was at this point that I passed out.

Chapter 10