Chapter 1

So, where do you draw the line between friendship, and a relationship? I always wondered that. Sometimes, it's hard to tell. Other times, it's hard to not think about.

Lemme explain. See I'm Cathy Ferry. Pronounced Fairy... it's just not spelled that way. I'm 25 and I am... hold on let me gain control of myself. A featured cast member on the totally schmurf TV show Saturday Night Live! Do you believe me? No? Well, you don't have to, but you should. Oh, what's schmurf? Schmurf is my word for anything delicious, fun, cool, or hot. Trust me, you'll start using it when I'm through with you.

So, what's up with my introduction? Well, my language arts teacher always said that to keep em coming, ya gotta have a "catchy" intro. Well, I'm positive I could've gotten something more catchy, but I've got a story to tell. We'll start from the beginning.

Basically, 3 of my best friends and I were fooling around when we discovered that the infamous NBC studios were holding auditions for some of their TV shows. We were positive that we could just go in there and audition.. and not get the part. But, we were told we had to make an appointment. I don't remember what I said, or what I did, but I have a feeling I was drunk. Anyway, so the guy who was holding us back, let us in.. I must've been flirting with him, or something. Wait, I couldn't have been drunk... Ah well. So, my friends and I auditioned seperately, and strangely enough, I got a call!! Isn't that crazy? Flora, Audra, and Fawn were totally happy for me. Oh, those are my best friends I was telling you about. So, I promised them everyweek I would get them tickets and backstage passes, and we could still hang out whenever.

One of the main reasons I flipped out when I found out I would become a featured cast member when the new season began was.. well , I have this slight crush on one of the cast members. Geez, I feel like such a little school girl. Chris.. ahh.. just the thought of him back then used to make me smile. Chris Kattan. Who could ask for anything more? Of course, that was when the new season was starting, but I won't give you an ideas.

So, the first show didn't really have me in it at all, but I was still pretty damn nervous. All I got to say was "Ugh, that is so rude!" along side Chris Parnell when we were doing a skit with Maya Rudolph and Jerry Minor. I nearly flubbed my only line! Chris (P) knew I was nervous. he had to put his arm around me. He kinda slightly laughed when he did.. "Nervous, much?"

"Yeah," I answered. "Can you tell?" We chuckled together and walked onto the set. My heart pounded as I realized infront of me.. well... two people in front of me.. was Chris Kattan. Oh, God. He's so gorgeous.... This is where I fade into a memory....

My Sex God turned around and looked at me. "Hey, nice to see you again." He smiled. "Look at you, you're soo pretty!" I would've fainted if Chris Parnell's arms weren't around me. Now, not to sound conceded, but I was used to hearing that I was pretty... guys honking horns when I was riding in my car... walking by and having someone harass me by calling me names... I was used to it, really. But to hear it from Chris Kattan?? Geez, I was swimming in my sweat!

Chris Parnell smiled at me. "She's nervous, Kattan." he said. That was something I noticed. They call Chris Parnell ... Chris, and Chris Kattan.. Kattan. I shrugged inwardly. Chris smelt good.

"Aww.. I feel so bad, don't worry you'll do great!" Kattan looked back at me and smiled. Oh, he has a luscious mouth...

Chapter 2