Chapter 10

I quickly pulled the covers off of me. Oh, gosh! It's Friday already? Damn! I hope I'm not late! I glanced over at the clock. "Fuck," I muttered. Wait, don't say that! Cool the language, Cat. "Darn," I said instead. It was almost 2. I'm in so much shit. I have to be at the studios by 4:00. I looked at myself in the mirror. "Oh, damn." I look like crap. Wait, why am I in such a bad mood? I tried to force myself to smile, as I walked into the washroom.

I grabbed a towel and took a shower... I won't get into the details of the whole shower thing, but let's just say I figured out why I was in such a bad mood. PMS. Arg!

By the time I got out of the shower it was 2:30. Now, if I could find something to wear that will make me feel better about myself. Deep inside, I knew what that meant. I needed to wear something that made me look.. uhh.. Let's just say, like Britney Spears. That way, I could feel better about my body. I grabbed a tight white shirt and some hip hugger jeans. The shirt said: "Queen Bitch"... which basically described how I was feeling. There was ac cute little crown on it that sparkled. Personally, I knew the shirt was kinda short, and wearing it with hip huggers only meant one thing: Tummy Time! I put on the radio and was relieved to find them playing "Bootylicious", by Destiny's Child. I was in a better mood already.

After I found what I could wear and changed, it was about 3:10. Thats when I realized I needed to leave a little early to be there on time. I have half an hour for make-up and to do my hair. I better get started!

Chapter 11