Chapter 12

"Oh, hey." My hands shook. I wondered if he noticed. "Whatsup?"

He smiled. "Can I come in?" He asked, throwing the most flirtacious look I've ever seen. If you haven't guessed by now, it was my precious, precious Sex God. The Sex God Has Landed!!

"Sure, Chris, have a seat. I was just going over the script Lorne just gave me." I grinned, thanking God I looked decent today.

"Really, can I see it?" he asked as I handed it to him. I nodded. He skimmed through it, laughing at some of the lines. I smiled to myself. Gosh, stay calm. "That's great," He paused. "Look, um, Jimmy was talking to me earlier, and he said uh.." OH - MY - GOD! I'm going to kill Jimmy! He said he wouldn't tell anyone. He said he would just... "... he said you were a big fan of Mango."

My heart leaped out of my chest. "Yeah, I am." I was going to die.

"Look, I know that you're busy tomorrow night, so I just wanna know if you want to do something Sunday? I mean, I dunno the policy on cast members" he paused, "dating, so maybe we should keep it a bit quiet. Not tell anybody?"

I almost said "Oh, God, YES!" then, I almost said "I would love to," but I ended up saying, "Sure." Pathetic. Oh, God Almighty.

"Can I get your number?" he grinned.

"Yeah, of course," I ran to my dresser and picked up a pen, then tore a slip of the paper from the script. Writing: Cat 443-6091 and underlining it. ( AUTHORS NOTE : That's not a real number, i'm just making it up. Don't bother dialing. Lol Plus, I'm sure none of you guys have the time to. Or want to. lol)

As he left, I felt myself beam. Wait 'till the girls hear about this! And Jimmy! Wait, should I tell Jim? I mean, he did say let's not tell anyone, cuz Jim might let something slip and. Okay. Am not going to tell Jim. Tell girls, not Jimmy. Girls: Yes. Jim : No. Girls Good. Jim Bad. After I brainwashed myself, I went back to rehearsing, silently having a party.

Chapter 13