Chapter 13

The rehearsal went completely smoothly. Lorne told me he was proud of me! I am 'da bomb', yoyo! Hee hee. After rehearsal was over -- and I said every line perfectly -- I went back to my dressing room, feeling like a queen. I sat on my chair in front of my mirror and looked at myself for a second. Gosh, I'm ugly. How could anyone think I'm even in the slightest bit pretty? That's when I heard a knock from Jim's door. "Come in," I muttered, hoping he could cheer me up. Uh oh. bad sign: mood swings. Must be the painters' fault. (painters = period) When Jimmy came in, I couldn't help but smile. Chris asked me out because of him! I couldn't wait to thank him -- wait, I can't tell him. Damn. What do I say? "Hey," That's a good start.

"Hey, awesome job with the whole rehearsal thing, you did great." He said, smiling without showing his teeth.

"Thanks," I smiled back. "But I know that's not what you came here to say..."

"Did he ask you?"

I thought quickly. "No?" I posed it as a question. He raised an eyebrow. "No." I said more sure of myself this time. "No. What did you say to him?"

"I just told him you were really pretty and that if I had the chance, I would ask you out," he said. "That makes a guy competitive, so he usually would end up going after you. I wonder why he didn't?" Then, he gasped.

I blushed. "What?"

"What if he IS gay?" he smirked.

"Shut up,"

"Seriously. He didn't ask you out, he totally should have!" he said as if it all clicked in.

"Kattan is not gay."

"Yes, yes, he is! Did he even talk to you today?" he raised his eyebrows in an 'I-knew-it' way.

"No..." I lied through my teeth. He nodded, sitting down.

"That explains it." He said factually, snapping his fingers.

"Why didn't he ask you out?" I asked. He looked at me. I sat down beside him and said, "I mean, your gay too, don't gay people notice when other people are gay?" I burst out laughing and he did too. I was feeling better already. I wish I didn't have to lie to him. He's done so much.

Chapter 14