Chapter 14

Ugh, phone ringing. "Don't worry, Audj. you don't have to get off your ass and pick it up." I screamed, getting out of bed. I knew Audra was the only one up, the other girls were still sleeping. We had an emergency meeting for the sake of what I would say, wear, and do with Chris. Still ringing. I ran to it. "Hello?" I asked groggily.

"Woah, you alright?" I heard Chris' voice laugh. It was Saturday! Oh, shit! I need to get ready for rehearsal!

"Yeah," I muttered. My answer was far from the truth. "Can you hold on a sec?" I asked. He answered with 'Sure', and I put my hand over the reciever. "Audra,"

"Yeah?" she answered.

"Were we drinking last night?" I asked, rubbing my head to soothe the headache.

"No.." she said.

"Ok, thanks." I heard a 'No Prob, Bob'. "Sorry 'bout that." I said to Chris. "Whatsup?"

"Nothing much, just wanted to know if it's alright with me picking you up on Sunday?" he said in an unsure voice. Sunday? I scanned my thoughts for what I was doing on Sunday, trying to think without hearing the pounding of my head. oh my gosh. I'm talking to Chris Kattan. I snapped myself into reality, trying to gain control.

"Sunday!" I stuttered. My hands shook.. what the hell do I say? "Sure," I said, cheerfully. Wait, what did I just say 'sure' for? What'd he just ask??

"Alright, I'll pick you up at.. lets say, 8:00?" he said, kinda unsure. 8:00? Him pick me up? Everything clicked at that point, and I finally was fully awake.

"Eight o'clock it is, then," I said. God, I'm such a dork. He laughed on the other line.

"Alright, see you tonight!"

"Bye.." I hung up, then smacked myself directly onto the cheek. I didn't say anything but a loud "OW!!!", then looked at myself in the mirror, only to find a red hand print on my face. "Way to go, Cat. Way to go."

Chapter 15