Chapter 15

Ah, the sound of laughter as Will Ferrel does the opening. God, I'm nervous. My skit isn't until the other half of the show. Then again, I have reason to be nervous... it's my first serious skit. And I totally love the outfit they gave me, though I didn't picture it so goth when I was reading the skit. "Cat?"

I turned around to find Chris P smiling at me. "Oh, hi!"

"Hey," he grinned. "Look, I just wanted to say good luck, and don't be nervous... or, am I supposed to say Break A Leg? Hold on, lemme go back and ask Darrell.." I laughed as he turned around and walked back. I waited, only to find Chris walking back with Darrell. "Ok. I was supposed to say, 'Being nervous gives you adrenaline, which makes you perform better, so good luck, and break a leg!"

I laughed. "Thanks, guys. Umm... I think I'm going to throw up, so if you'll excuse me.." I said, trying to push through them in a joking manner. They laughed and waved as I walked into the ladies' washroom. (Yes, I call it washroom. I'm Canadian..) I stared at myself in the mirror as a toilet flushed. I tried fixing my hair, but it was an impossible task. Behind me, I saw Ana walking out of a stall.

"Hi, Cathy, right?" she smiled.

"Yeah, or Cat, whichever." I smiled back.

"So, we got you in the show tonight, didn't we?" she grinned, washing her hands. "I'm so happy to see that you are in it, it's really great when the newcomers get into a skit early." I nodded as she talked. "How are ya feeling?"

"Extremely nervous. Like you wouldn't believe. My knees were all wobbly backstage. I think I'm gonna barf." I said, clutching my stomache.

She laughed. "Don't worry about that, it usually helps." she said, gesturing with her hands. "How's everyone been treating you? Nice, I hope."

"Yeah, yeah. Everyone is great, its just as how I saw it on the TV... only just more comedy backstage than I expected." I smiled.

"Yeah, Horatio and the others love to play around with the costumes." she laughed, then stared at her watch. "Oh, geez, I better get going, I'm sorry."

"Oh, no problem. See ya!" I waved as she smiled and walked out the door. I stared at myself again and emptied my lunch into the toilet.

Chapter 16