Chapter 17

Waxed my legs, tweezed my eyebrows, did my make-up and hair, and even got myself a manicure and pedicure. Yes, all of this for my lil' baby, Chris. I sighed to myself as I glanced at the clock. It was exactly 8:00 P.M., and I was nervous. I knew at this point I'd be counting the minutes go by, as I wait for him to stand me up. But five minutes later, I heard a knock at the door. My heart pounded. I got up quickly. Wait! Make him wait awhile. Nono, don't. He'll think he came to early and then he'll be embarassed. Oh gosh, don't hesitate now, or you'll hesitate all night. I opened the door. "Hi," I felt myself melt into the floor. Flowers? They were white roses, for friendship. I read somewhere you should neer give a woman red roses on the first date unless it was true love. "These are for you," he grinned.

"Aww.. thank you so much. Gosh, you look hot!" I laughed as I took the flowers he gave me and put them into a vase with water in it.

"Alright, shall we go?" he extended his arm for me to link with.

"We shall," I smiled. He chuckled. Oh, geez, don't let me trip. He was real sweet. He opened the car door for me, and I sat down with the posture I had always been taught. The car ride was endless conversation. All I had to do was tell him the truth. When he told me I looked great, I told him how nervous I was.. and yes, I even told him about how long I had a crush on him. I didn't need to sugar-coat anything. The entire dinner was fantastic. The food was a bit on the weird side, but I didn't mind. We did more talking than eating. On the ride home we discussed SNL, which was something we surprisingly didn't talk about. I told him how much I love everyone of the skits he does. Mango, Peepers, Zimmermans, Suel Forrester.

"Oh, you like Forrester?" he smiled. "I haven't done that one in awhile, I heard people didn't like it."

"Oh, I totally love it." I said, as we arrived at my house and he pulled into the driveway.

Then, he said something in his Suel Forrester voice that sounded a bit like, "CanIfukeryouwhore?" My eyes widened.


He laughed. "Can-I-Walk-You-To-Your-Door?" I burst out laughing.

"Sorry, I could've sworn you said I was a whore.." he laughed. "Sure," I smiled. He got out of the car and walked to the door in his Suel Forrester walk, and I couldn't help but burst out laughing. "We should do this again," I suggested. "It was a lot of fun,"

Then, he smiled and said something like, "Kennyisyou?" I raised an eyebrow as I fumbled for my keys.

"Sorry, that's impossible to understand," I laughed.

"Can I kiss you?" he said seriously. I nodded. That's ri-ight! We kissed on the first date. There was no tongue or anything. Just a lingering-lip kiss. And it was fantastic! I had made sure to not where high heels, so I wouldn't look taller. So, we just had to lean in. And-believe it or not, after waiting five years-I didn't feel a spark. Maybe there was one, or maybe I forced it there.

Chapter 18