Chapter 18

Chris and I went on another date the Sunday afterwards... when I was supposed to go with Jimmy to the theater. It seemed like Jim forgot about it, so I shrugged it off and didn't bring it up. Over the next month, Chris and I went on dates regularly. By the second month, we were into making out... and yes, by the third month, we were having sex. Don't sit there and gasp saying, "What a slut!" or "You're supposed to wait!" because I stopped waiting when I was 18. And even though I usually don't 'do the deed' unless the special someone loves me, but... I mean, this was Chris Kattan. Still through it all, though it was a whole lot of fun, everytime we kissed, I knew we wouldn't end up 'together forever' -- which depressed me. We were perfect for each other... but why wasn't I completely sure of it? I wasn't in love with him, this I was sure of... but now, it felt like it was my responsibility to still date him. It was as if because I crushed on him for so long, if I didn't like it, I would seem ungrateful. You have no clue what I'm talking about, do you?

"Catherine Ferry, are you listening?" Jimmy said as he laughed.

I snapped myself out of it. "Yeah. Yeah, uh... so, when will we do it?"

"In next weeks episode, when Lisa Kudrow hosts..." he said, obviously confused by my zoning out. "You okay?" He raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah, I am." I grinned at him. He is cute. "Hey, we haven't gone to see a movie yet..." I suggested. Oh, God. What the hell am I doing?

"Hey, that's right... wanna go tomorrow?" He shrugged. Tomorrow? Friday?

"Sure," I shrugged back casually. Good.. Chris will be busy Friday, and our date isn't until Sunday. "What will we see?" I paused.

"Mummy 2?"

"Seen it." I answered. "It wasn't scary, it was funny." I giggled. We were hanging out in my room like we did everyweek. We were getting into the habit of just asking each other questions. Favourite colours (sorry 'bout the u's.. I'm Canadian.. lol), numbers, food. It was weird. "Why don't we see The Animal? Y'know, with Rob Schneider? Or A Knight's Tale? Heath Ledger is a total cutie!!" I exclaimed.

He burst out laughing. "Oh, I know! And have you seen Rob Schneider? Break me off a piece of that!" He said in a fake gay voice. I laughed. "Whatever you wanna see is fine with me. Who knows? Maybe we won't even be watching the movie..." He flirted. I laughed.

"Its really too bad you're gay... I'd screw you in a second.." I joked. We laughed.

Chapter 19