Chapter 20

In the end, Megan kept me busy, and I never got a chance to call Jim. He ended up at my door, 15 minutes later. I opened it with Megan in the other hand. He looked at me, then at Megan. Then looked at us again. There was a comfortable silence.

"Did I miss something?"

"Come in, " I laughed, Megan burst out crying. I sat on the couch, trying to comfort her.

"Did you get pregnant and have a baby in the last 4 hours?" Jimmy asked. He took a finger and brushed it across Megan's cheek. She instantly stopped.

"Flora had an appointment, and she forgot that she had to babysit her sisters daughter. Thus, this lil 'bundle of joy'.." As I said it, she started to cry again. "I'm really sorry, Jimmy. if you want you can go see the movie alone... I couldn't turn it down. Or, if you wanna stay here, we can see a later one. Her appointment is supposedly an hour and a half."

"Alright, then. So, whats her name?" he smiled at her red face.

"Megan, the little bitch.. everytime you look at her she stops crying." I finally decided to hand her over. The baby stopped crying.

"She's light.." he said.

I said, "Another reason to hate her," he laughed. I had already fed and burped her, so gradually, she was beginning to fall asleep, especially in Jimmy's arms. "Damn, she loves you..." We were quiet for a second, and the thoughts of being a baby ran through my head... you could be care-free. Don't worry about your job, your friends... you could even shit your pants! Soon, I was wishing I was in Jimmy's arms as a little baby, and he would rock me to sleep. And everytime I cried, he'd be there to feed me, care for me, change my diaper. He would love me.

We put her to sleep in the carry crib Flora brought over, and we started to watch The ladies Man (I had bought the movie), my head on his lap, his feet up on the table in front of us. Well, we didn't really watch it, we just kinda talked.. asking each other questions.

"If you could do anything in the world, what would it be?" My question.

He thought for what seemed like hours. Then, looked down at me and said, "To kiss you."

Chapter 21