Chapter 21

Then, we heard Megan crying.. "Hold that thought," I got up quickly, looked at her, decided she was crying because the pacifier was out of her mouth, stuck it back in, and quickly walked back to the couch, out of breath. "Where were we?" I panted. He laughed. At that point, the phone rang. it was beside Jimmy, so I had to kinda lay ontop of his lap to get it. I took it as a sign from God that he didn't want us to hook up. "Hold that thought again, please," I smiled, picked up the phone and said, "Hello," completely out of breath.I picked up his hand, and began fiddling with his fingers.

"What are you doing panting? Don't tell me you guys are having sex..." It was Flora.

"No, Flora. What you want?"

"I'ma be over there in about 5 minutes, so put your clothes on." she giggled.

I laughed. "5 Minutes? Alright, bye," and hung up. I dropped his hand, and--unfortunatly, it landed on my breast. I blushed completely. Sucks, don't it? Another sign? Maybe? He quickly pulled it off, recognizing where it was. "What?"

"Nothing," he answered, blushing as well. "Sorry 'bout that,"

"It isn't like you've never touched a boob before, " I laughed.. "You have boobs,"

"No I don't."

"Yeah you do," I straddled ontop of him and put my right hand on where a boob would be if he had any. "Boobs are just fat, yknow. Hang on, lemme find your nipple," I searched around with my fingers and he was laughing hysterically. "There, here is your boob." I said with simplicity. He laughed harder. I picked up his hand, "Learn to accept it." He laughed even harder, but at that point, I took his hand and put it on my boob. He stopped laughing. "Learn to accept it," I said again with a smile. He smiled back. At that point, the door opened and Flora -- whom I stupidly gave a key to -- popped up.

"Oops, sorry just picking up Megan," she said, blushing. I jumped off of Jimmy and walked towards the room I had put Megan in. Unfortunatly, the movie we were watching was at a sex scene, which only made the situation look worse. I closed the door so I could talk to Flora. "What the fuck are you doing?" she said, raising her voice. I tried to calm her down. "You've got everything you want, and for further reference, I was joking about that 'get-it-on' thing!" She picked up Megan angerly, and thankfully, Megan didn't start crying.

"Look, Flor, you weren't there, you have no idea what happened, don't start jumping to conclusions!" I said, nearly yelling. I wondered if Jim could hear us.

She immediately put her voice down and said calmly, "Thank you for babysitting Megan," she added a smile and opened the door I had closed. I sighed to myself. That's when I heard her talking to Jimmy. I thought the worst, that she would tell him I'm dating Chris but instead, she was smelling him. She then said, "Cat told me you smell good, Bye, Jimmy, nice seeing you," She picked up Megans bags and left.

"I'm sorry if it's my fault," he said in a low voice.

"Don't be, this happens all the time!" I smiled to try and comfort him, but it was more for me.

Chapter 22