Chapter 22

In the car at 11:20, we drove to the theater, as I tried to convince him how fun it would be because no one would be in the theater and we'd have it all to ourselves. He rolled his eyes, then smiled. "All to ourselves hmm?" I laughed as he continued to drive, only looking over at me when I picked up my phone. The car ride was silent, but comfortable. "Who ya callin'?" he asked politely.

"Flora, I'm gonna apologize to her ... she thinks we're dating." I said dialing her number except the last digit.

"Why is that a bad thing?" he asked. I couldn't answer so I quickly pressed the last number and waited for her to pick up.

"Hey, I'm not home right now or I can't get to the phone, so leave a message." came the reply. I waited for the beep. BEEP.

"Hey, Flor, it's me Kitty, I just wanted to say sorry for that whole thing back at my place.. I guess you're right but the truth is, you didn't really know what was going on.. it just looked a bit wild. Heh heh." I laughed. "So, um... call me back. I'll be home around 1:30 I think. Bye, babes," I clicked off. "Okay, I feel better." I smiled. We drove into the parking lot to find only four cars there. "This is a good sign."

"She calls ya Kitty?" He said opening his door. I opened mine too and climbed out picking up my purse.

"Yeah, " I laughed. "Thanks for listening to the conversation, Jim." I joked.

"That's what I'm here for," I laughed. "So what movie should we see?" He opened the door for me as we walked into the warm theater entrance.

"Thank you, I dunno.. hmm.. Oh! How about Scary Movie 2?" I suggested.

"Sure, did you see the first one?" he asked as we walked to the stand to buy tickets.

"Yeah, it was okay," I shrugged. "Can we get 2 for Scary Movie 2?" I asked the woman politely. I brought my purse up and took out a 20 dollar bill.

"I got it," he said, 20 already in his hand.

"Nono, let me, Jim, seriously," I insisted. The woman looked at us like she was going to scream as we argued over who should pay. At that point, two guys walked out of one of the theaters and I could feel their eyes on me.

Chapter 23