Chapter 23

"Hey, shorty, can I holla at you for a second?" one of them asked me. Sadly, I was used to this sort of thing. Jimmy's eyes narrowed as I ignored them. "Psst.. psst... 'ey," I finally decided to turn around.


"Can I get your number?" he grinned.

"It's in the phone book," I smiled and turned back around.

He paused. "...But I don't know your name."

"That's in the phone book, too." I said loud enough for them to hear. Unfortunatly, at this point, Jim had already paid and bought the tickets. The two guys laughed. I turned back around and flashed a smile. "You got a paper and a pen?" One of the guys ripped his movie ticket and asked the other one for a pen. The other one pulled out a pen from his pocket which made me wonder how ofter he got numbers. I quickly jotted down a number and wrote "Alysha" as my name.

"Thanks, baby." he winked and they walked away. Jimmy was obviously mad as we walked to the popcorn stand.

"I'll pay for the food, okay?" I said. He nodded. "Chill, Jim."

"I can't believe you just did that, Cat" he muttered under his breath.

"Jimmy, I said chill okay..." I was about to explain when he interrupted me by saying,

"I mean, did you think they were hot or something? They were ugly... and rude. he called you baby, too. Is that what you want in a guy? Ugly, rude, and disresepectful?" he said, eyes focused on the floor as I paid for popcorn and two soda's.



"That wasn't my fucking number or my name." I stared at him. He looked at me for a second.

"Oh, uh.. sorry, um." He chuckled slightly.

I laughed. "Don't worry about it."

Chapter 24