Chapter 24

As we walked into the dark theater, the credits to the movie were already starting. "Dammit," I said loudly. Jim shushed me and I laughed. "There's no one else in here," I laughed harder. "We can get up and dance around. Switch seats, anything." I laughed. "The girls and I go to this theater late always so we can see the movie without people around.." he smiled as we walked down the isle side by side and I joked lightly by singing the classical wedding song. "Dun dun da nun.. " he laughed.

"Let's sit up front,"

"Oh my gosh! You rock! No one ever wants to sit front row with me other than my sister. Which sucks. Everyone wants to sit in the middle." I exclaimed.

He smiled. "So, we have the whole theater to ourselves, hmm?" he joked.

I laughed. The movie was already 10 minutes into it and we weren't paying attention at all. "Yeah, its the perfect place to give head."

He laughed. "Oh, really?" I laughed harder but decided to change the subject somehow.

"Can you guys please put your voice down???" I yelled behind me at absolutely no one. He burst out laughing. Throughtout the movie we talked.. and flirted but didn't watch. In the end we spent $24..86 talking. As we walked out I continued to sip my coke.

"I can't believe we spent all that money and didn't even watch," I giggled.. it sounded so girlish.

The woman we had seen who gave us the tickets stared at us like we were disgusting. She sighed and said. "We're closing now,"

"Okay.... thanks?" I posed it as a question. Jim laughed.

"That means get out," he whispered. I laughed as we got into his car.

"Oh my God!" I nearly screeched.

He hit the breaks hard. "What??" he asked, concerned.

"I just realized that girl thought we were doing the nasty in the theater." He raised an eyebrow. "I was like, 'We didn't even watch the movie' and she looked at us like we were gross. Remember?"

He laughed. "That's hilarious," I let go and laughed with him.

Chapter 25