Chapter 25

The ride home was weird. It was silent, but comfortable. I dunno how else to describe it.. weird. Heh heh. Well, unfortunatley, throughtout the ride, I was nervous. I was trying to figure out whether or not I should invite him in. Well, when we pulled up to my driveway, the decision was made for me. Chris' car was parked there. Dammit. We should have never exchanged house keys. "Is somebody here?" Jim asked, staring at the car, obviously not knowing what Chris' car looks like.

"It's Flora," I lied. "Thanks, Jimmy, this was so much fun. We should do it again." I wanted to kiss him.. and it felt like he did too. Actually, I knew he wanted to, because he was leaning in. Stupidly, I opened my car door and said -- not realising how rude it is , "I'm so glad we're friends." The expression on his face told me he was extremely confused. "See you tomorrow," I said, getting out of the car and shoving the door so it would shut. I waved and quickly walked to the door. I pulled out my keys and opened it as he drove out of my driveway and back onto the road.

I walked into my house and saw a candlelit dinner at the table. Feeling a hand around my waist behind me, I knew it was Chris kissing my neck. "Do you like it?" he asked softly.

"I love it," I whispered, more to myself than him. He unhinged himself from me and pulled out a chair for me. I sat down. "God, Chris, this is so romantic." I felt extremely guilty for going out with Jimmy. I knew I was blushing, which was not something I do very often. He brought out two plates of fettuchini alfredo (mm.. I'm getting hungry just typing it =Þ) that looked like he had bought it from a restaurant. "Did you make this?"

"No," we laughed. "I went down to the restaurant and told them what I wanted, they said sure, but they charged extra," he joked. I laughed.

"God, I had no idea you had a romantic side like THIS," I said motioning my hands towards all the candles.

He smiled a me. "Um.. where were you?"

"Oh, I went to the movies with a friend." I explained, looking at the delicious food I was eating.

"Cat?" I looked up at him into his eyes. His voice was soft, but stern. "I want you to stop seeing Jimmy, okay?"

Chapter 26