Chapter 26

"What do you mean?" I asked, extremely nervous.

"Look, I'm not angry with you or anything, not at all. It's just, you could give me some credit here. Did you think I wouldn't have figured it out?" He was talking normally, he didn't seem angry at all.

"Chris, look, Jim and I are just friends, I don't think of him as anything else," I felt like I was lying, even though I wasn't. God, I'm confused.

"You don't think I've seen you guys flirting on set or anything? Cause I have." He explained. "I'm not asking for a fight, Cat. I'm asking for you to just listen to me for one second." I took a deep breath and waited for him to speak. "Jim thinks your available. He doesn't know you have a boyfried, so he's taking it upon himself to be your boyfriend. I mean the only people who know about us is me and you..." he paused. "And Will."

"Will?" I asked. He tried to continue but I cut him off. "Will? Will who? Ferrell?" He nodded. I shrugged it off.

"Your not angry?" he asked.

"No, my best friends know about us too... do your friends in LA know?" I asked.

"Yeah, just like, 2 though." we were talking so casually, and deep inside I knew our 'romantic' evening was ruined. "But, you see where I'm coming from, right, Cat?"

"Yeah," I said softly, not realizing I said it twice. "But to clear it up, we aren't dating, we are hanging out. I'd never do that to you, baby," I flashed a smile and he smiled back. I knew I was blushing. His mouth. The thing I fell for in the beginning. Unfortunatly, I knew that tonight we would break up. There was something in the atmosphere that was just screaming at me to get it over with. "Chris?"

"Yes, Cat?" he looked up from his food.

"I've been thinking about this for the past month, and.. oh God, how do I put this?" I struggled for the right words.

"Let it out, hun,"

"I don't love you."

Chapter 27