Chapter 28

"Coming," I said over to Jim's door where I heard knocking. I was in such a better mood now. I'm single. It felt weird to think. I opened the door. "Hey, come in. Whatsup?"

"Nothing much.. I um.. I wanted to talk to you about last night." He sat down on the couch, taking off his jacket.

"Oh, yeah? Sure, what about?" I asked, cluelessly. Oh, God... Jim looks totally hot. He paused and blinked at me. I laughed. "You don't know what your here for, do you?" That was when I realized his face was centimeters away from mine. His lips brushed against mine and my back hit the sofa.

"What the fuck is this all about?"

Jim jumped off of me and I brushed my shirt off. Chris was standing in front of my once closed door. "OH! Hey, Kattan.. whatsup?" Jim asked, oblivious to anything. He wiped his mouth off with his shirt sleeve.

"Cat? What the hell are you doing? We just broke up yesterday! You told me you and Jim were just friends.. am I supposed to believe friends do what I just saw?"

"Chris .. it is so not what you think!" I tried to explain.

"Just broke up? You just broke up with what? With who? And just friends? What's that all about??" Jim asked, getting off the couch.

"Oh, it's not what I think? Well then what is it? He was trying to give you mouth-to-mouth??"

"Wait, why is it Cat and I can't kiss?" Jim was completely confused now.

"Chris, what does it matter?? We broke up. I'm allowed to do what I want now, remember?" I hollered.

"Right, we broke up. We broke up. Technically we were never dating though, because throughout the entire 5 fucking months we were together, you were behind my back with Jimmy!"

"5 months??"

"Jimmy and I were NOT dating!" At this point, Jim picked up his jacket, opened the door to his room and slammed it shut.

Coming soon....Chapter 29
