Chapter 29

My head span as Chris walked out of the other door. I sat for a second. What the fuck did I just do? Oh my God. I let a tear fall until I realized I had to get out of there. I quickly wiped my tear, picked up my purse, and walked out the door. I headed for the door when I was stopped by Will.

"Hey, Cat, where are you running off to?" he smiled.

"Oh, I was gonna go get an Iced Cappuccino from Tim Horton's. I'm addicted to those things," I allowed a fake smile to dance on my face.

"Oh, but we're about to start rehearsal." He looked at me like I was important in tonights show. "Are you alright? Your eyes are kinda watery.." he laughed to make it sound like a joke, but I knew Chris had told him we broke up.

"I'm fine, I'm just a bit pissed that I'm not in the show tonight." I lied through my teeth, and I knew he knew.

"You don't gotta lie to me, hun. Chris told me. Sometimes those things don't work out, and you just gotta deal with it. My wife and I argue all the time, but that doesn't mean we aren't meant to be, yknow? Who knows, maybe you and Kattan are just fighting and you'll be back together in no time." he grinned like what he had just said made any sense. I gave him the most confused look I could come up with.

"Will? What are you talking about? I broke up with Chris." I said, emphasizing the 'I'.

"You did?" I nodded. "Oh." He paused.

I couldn't help but laugh. He was looking around like a total idiot. "But I'm actually pissed I'm not in the show, that's why I'm kinda like this. Thanks for trying to help out though, Will." I said, trying to make him feel like what he said meant anything. Deep inside, I was about to bawl on his shoulder.

"Uh.. yeah, no problem." He laughed. "Bye, Cathy,"

"Later, Will," I waved and walked past him, trying my best to keep calm before I'd burst into tears. I couldn't hold it in any longer. By the time I got to my car, I couldn't hide it, and I cried on my steering wheel.

Chapter 30