Chapter 3

I quickly wiped off my tears and began to reapply my eyeliner. I tied up my hair in a neat bun and sat back down on my couch, hearing the audience clap. I wish it was me out there, making them laugh. At this point, I was jealous of every cast member. I pulled out my notebook, where I had been writing as if it were a journal. I was also writing some of my sketches that I had always had in my head. I started looking over them, trying to find one that would be good enough to be on television. Someone knocked on the door. I jumped. I quickly glanced at myself in the mirror and opened the door.

"Hey, Cathy." Jimmy smiled.

"Oh, hi Jimmy." I grinned back. Jimmy was cute, but I would never have thought of him as anything more. He was , at the time, nothing compared to Kattan. "You can call me Cat, by the way. Come in."

"Oh, okay then, you can call me Jim, Cat. Meow," he laughed. I laughed with him. Even though it was something I was used to hearing. "What'cha up to?" "Oh, nothing," I quickly put my journal away. "Not to be rude, but aren't you supposed to be out there doing Nick Burns?"

He sighed and pretended to cry. "They cut it out," he sniffed, then laughed. I laughed with him again. He's funny. "So, I came here to ask you if you had any recurring characters planned?"

I flinched. Then sighed, sitting next to him on my couch. "Nope, I am in total shit. I hope Lorne doesn't get mad.. Why?"

"Well, cuz I have one... but I needed another person." he smiled.

My heart pounded. "Seriously?" Thank God! I am saved. "No." my heart sank. "Yes, of course I do! You wanna hear my idea?" He laughed.

I jumped like a little girl who just got her cat down from the tree. I ran over to Jimmy and hugged the daylights out of him, then kissed him on the cheek. "Thank you soooo much! Of course I wanna hear it!"

"Meow, meow!" He pretendedd to purr, touching the small lipstick mark I had left on his cheek. I licked my finger and wiped it off for him as he talked. "Well, you don't have to say yes, but it looks like even if I was asking you to swim in shit you'd do it." I laughed. "Hey, did I tell you my room is on the other side of this door?" He pointed to the door beside my closet.

"Oh, really? I thought that was just decoration." I shrugged.

He laughed. "I'll leave it unlocked from now on..." He winked. We laughed. "This used to be Molly's room." He started to drift off.. "Oh yeah! The idea! It totally slipped my mind!"

I laughed. "Jimmy.. well, Jim. You are quickly becoming one of my best friends here." I laughed. "Great! We can stay up all night and watch movies and talk about hot guys, and it'll be so much fun!" He giggled like a girl. I couldn't help but laugh with him. He's cute. "Well, in a nutshell, my idea is just that these two kids are dating, and they act like perfect and nerdy whenever their parents are around, and when their parents are gone they're kinda like these wild and crazy kids, who love to make out and yknow.." he smiled at me. I knew I was smiling. "That is soo perfect! I am soo excited! Wait, these kids are wild?" I smiled devilishly. "That's me! I'm gonna have fun with this." I laughed.

"So, yeah, if you'd be the girl, I'll be the guy." He smiled and shrugged, ruffling his hair. I knew that meant he was kinda embarassed.

"Sure! This is gonna be so much fun!" I leaned in to kiss his cheek again but drew away, remembering what had happened last time. Instead, I kissed my finger and poked his cheek. He laughed.

Chapter 4