Chapter 30

"Oh, God, that sucks." Fawn said, moving her hand up and down my back, trying to comfort me.

"Hun, don't worry about it, okay? Everything will smooth out before you know it.," Audra smiled, then glanced at the clock above the TV in my apartment. "It's been an hour, your still out for an iced cappuccino?" she laughed. I couldn't help but laugh with her.

"Maybe you should get back, hun." Flora grinned at me as she played with the bracelet on her wrist.

"I am so sorry I called you guys over here without notice. I didn't know what else to do." I wiped my eyes again. "God, I'm such a fucking baby..." I laughed at myself, and forced a joke. "Waaaahhh..." They laughed with me, though it wasn't funny. "That wasn't funny... I'm losing my sense of humor!" With this, they laughed genuinely. I was feeling better. I gave them all hugs and kisses and we all went our seperate ways again. I promised to call if something happened. Now, I'm back at the studios, watching everyone rehearse.

"I'm not in the show tonight either," Jerry whispered to me. I jumped.

"Oh, hi. Whatsup?" I smiled, then sighed. "I hate having to sit back and watch." I whispered back.

"I guess sometimes it's better this way. We have less work to do." he shrugged.

"Your one of those positive people aren't you?" I joked.

He batted his eyes and said, "Charmed, I'm sure." in a girl's voice. I laughed. "Well, look, I'm gonna go see the writers, I'll see you around, Cathy."

"Later!" I waved. I sighed inwardly. I wanted to get out of here. I was thinking about quitting. I felt a cold hand on my bare arm, as it dragged me into the hallway and into Jimmy's room, where the hand pulled me to Jimmy's body. "Oh my God, you scared the shit out of me," I said, trying to act normal. He wasn't buying it.

"Why can't we give it a shot?"

Chapter 31