Chapter 4

"We're gonna be doing a lot more than that in our skit.." he winked. I burst out laughing. He checked his watch and gasped. "I gotta go get ready, I completely forgot about Weekend Update. I'll see you around, Cat."

"Thanks again!" I waved as he closed the door behind him. I wanted to call the girls, but they were in the studio already. I can't believe it! Woah, wait, Cat. Don't get too excited. Lorne might not like the idea. Personally, I thought it sounded funny. But what if Lorne wouldn't like it because Jimmy already had a recurring sketch with Rachel, that was slightly similiar to ours? Chill out, Cat.


So, now it's Monday. The girls and I have decided to stay at my house for our get together. It outta be a blast. Wow, that sounded kinda geeky. A 'blast'? Ha! Sometimes I amaze even myself.

"DIVA!!!" Flora screeched, ran up to me and we hugged, as Audra and Fawn followed in through the door. "Hey, gurl!" she smiled.

"You did great on Saturday, I loved that one skit where you were in the entire thing and said every line." Audra teased.

"Shut-up!" I laughed with them. I was still 'skitless'. Oh my gosh! I haven't told them about Jim and I! "Well, you can quit your teasin', Aud, cuz Catwomen over here has found herself a skit!"

Fawn's mouth gaped open. "As if! With who? When was this? How come you haven't told us!?" She cheered.

"Well, I was sitting in my dressing room -- which is pointless cause I never have anything to dress into -- and Jimmy Fallon knocked on the door and--" I started.

"Jimmy fucking Fallon!! Oh my gosh! You're serious, right?" Flora asked, obviously freaking out.

"Hell, yes, hun. Anyway, and he knocked on the door and told me he had a skit planned. And I gave him a kiss on the cheek!!!" I giggled. "God, he smells good!"

They all stared at me.

"What?" I cluelessly asked.

"You think he's gorgeous, you wanna date him..." They chanted.

"Whatever! You guys know my heart belongs to the one the only - Chris Kattan," I smiled, proudly. They continued to chant. The phone rang. "Shhh!! Shut-up!" I picked up the phone. "Hello?"

"Oh, hey is Cathy there?" A voice on the other side asked. The voice was calm, I had no clue who it was.

"This is she?" I posed it as a question.

"Oh! Hi Cat, it's me Jimmy." His voice responded. "You sound different on the phone."

"Oh, hi!! You do too!" I smiled, even though he couldn't see me. The girls looked at me. "So, whatsup, Jim?" They all burst out laughing.

"Uh, nothing much. Are you busy or something, cuz I could call back later." He said politely, though he sounded hyper.

"Ah, nah. Just some of my girlfriends are over, thats all. Say hi to Jimmy you guys," I spoke out of the phone.

"HI JIMMY!!" They all screamed.

"You tell 'em I say hi, too." He said.

"He says hi, guys." I said to them.

"YOU'RE HOT!!" Flora yelled loudly. My face turned a bright red, but I couldn't imagine what Jimmy was thinking, if even I was embarassed.

Chapter 5