Chapter 6

We had just finished watching What Women Want, when Audra suddenly popped out of her spot. "Oh, shit!"

I looked over at her. "What?"

"Look at the phone! You never hung it up!" She pointed to the phone. She was right. It wasn't completely hung up.

"Aw, damn. I hope no one was trying to call." Fawn whispered. She was obviously tired.

"Who's gonna call at 1:00, Fawn?" Flora asked, popping 'Unbreakable' into the VCR. She was still hyper and wanted to watch more movies.

We put it aside ourselves and hung it up properly, then went back to watching movies and talking. We fell asleep one by one, until Flora was the last.


I fixed myself up pretty for Wednesday. I wore some tight jeans and a cute shirt. And I made sure I looked cute, cause I didn't want to look ugly and have Kattan start up a conversation with me. That would suck. I quickly reapplied my powder in my car. I was arriving the studios and getting out of the car, when I saw who parked across from me?

"Hi, Cathy." he smiled. I melted. None other than...

"Hi Chris," I stumbled for words.

"It's nice to see you again, finally on a Wednesday. Does that mean we're gonna be seeing you more often?" he asked.

"I hope so," I smiled, giving my best smile that I had rehearsed repeatedly. He opened the door for me. "Thanks," Everything he did was soo nice! Okay, I'm crazy, I admit it now.

"How do you like being on the show so far?" he asked politely.

"Oh, it's definetly freaking me out. I mean, sometimes people hear talk to me other times its like: 'Who's that? I dunno just smile and nod' .. " I paused. Was I really telling him this? "Plus, it seems like nobody knows me, so no one wants to give me a role, y'know?" The whole time I was talking he nodded.

"Oh, completely." He grinned. "When I started out over here, nobody knew me, so they shrugged me off. I know exactly how you feel," He smiled to me. I never realized how short he was. He was my height, maybe a tinsy-tiny bit shorter... it was kind of a turn-off for me. I was always told to have a guy who was a bit taller than me, so when we kiss he would lean down, and I would try to make myself a bit taller. Like in the movies... Jimmy's a bit taller than you, Cat. No! You prefer Chris, you know that, Cat. "Y'know what I mean, Cathy?"

Oh, gosh! He was talking to me that entire time? "Yeah, totally. You can call me Cat, by the way... all my friends do." I smiled up.. well down at him.

"Alright then, Cat, I think I'll enjoy being friends with you..." ... I prayed he would add a 'or maybe more'.. but I didn't hear one. He opened another door for me, and we entered the room full of staff together.

Chapter 7