Chapter 7

I waved over to everyone there, I was really nervous. Nobody had settled in yet, and there were a couple people who weren't even there yet. I said hi to some people, Mya, and Ana, as well as Chris (P). Then, I noticed Jimmy was there talking to Horatio. It was obvious he was talking about something personal. He seemed to be whispering to him. Then I noticed his eyes were shifting around, as if he were looking for someone. Until they landed on me.. then paused there, then turned back to Horatio. Oh, my gosh. He was talking about me. First I was outraged... talking behind my back like that! Then I realized, what if he was saying something nice? I calmed myself, and walked over to talk to him and Horatio.

"Hi!" I smiled. "I'm really sorry about my friends that night... they freak even me out sometimes. I smiled as kindly as I could. "Hi, Horatio!" I smiled at him too.

"Hey," they both said simultaneously, Jimmy ruffling his hair lightly. "You look great," Horatio said, smiling at me.

"Thanks," my eyes darted. "So, what are we supposed to say, do, I dunno what I am doing here. I'm actually kinda nervous." I smiled to the both of them, only to have them give me a slight grin back. I was so disappointed... I wanted to smack someone. Sounds like I'm overreacting? I don't think so. "So," I paused. "What were you guys talking 'bout?"

Jimmy fake smiled. He knew that I knew.. hee hee.. that's fun to say. "Nothing, really. Umm.. where are you going to be after the meeting?" He asked.

I blinked. I needed to pick up my journal from my dressing room. "I'm just gonna go pick something up from my room, and then I'm heading home. Why?"

"Oh, I kinda wanted to talk to you..." his voice trailed as more cast members arrived and everyone settled down. Oh, great. Now I'm even more nervous.

Chapter 8