Sweet Poem...Awww!

The realization of true beauty
Springs upon you one day
Perhaps while walking through a park
Observing an old, wisened man
Scattering seeds to the pigeons
For his only enjoyment of the day.
You are true beauty
As far as anyone knows
The purest form of grace
Reveals itself when you smile
Perhaps you know that
Perhaps you know how to play the audience
Perhaps it's all an act.
But you seem to come by it honestly.
The angels don't cry when you walk
But perhaps prepubescent girls do.
Perhaps you know they're all watching you
Perhaps it's just to tease the spectators
When you raise your eyebrow like that
But it seems to reveal your naive innocence
So go bring all the little girls to their knees
Just by doing your thing
Perhaps you know
I've already fallen for you.

Created by: Zazoo Astral

