

Gundam Pictures


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Veggetto, " Welcome to Duo's info."







Name: Duo Maxwell
Age: 15 (16 in Endless Waltz)
Sex: Male
Enthicity: Cacuasian American
Place of Origin: L2 Colonies
Height: 156 cm
Weight: 43 kg
Eye Color: Cobalt Blue
Hair Color: Brown
Hair Length: 32.5 cm
Alias: God of Death
Famliy: none, orphan
Gundams: Gundam Deathscythe | Gundam Deathscythe Hell | Gundam Deathscythe Hell Custom
Personality: Duo is the life of the 5 guys. Happy go lucky and without a care in the world. He is very friendly but don't mistake him for a gurl because of his braid! His nickname is Shingami which means God of Death. He usually wears a black outfit with a minister collar, his hair in a tightly woven braid.



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Lasted updated

April 15, 2001

Veggetto, "Another Update!"




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~~~*This nexted part means alot to some ppls so here is the......*~~~

Disclaimer: Hey, Not all of this stuff is ours, So dont SUE us, because we used some Your stuff for DLC. E`mail one of us and tell me What's yours and we'll give you the credit for it.

~~~*Okay We had to do that b-cuz hardly any of this stuff is ours.....*~~~