



Duo Info

Deathscythe Info

About Us



Link to DLC

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Veggetto, "Welcome to the Update page. You came here to find out what's new about DLC, didn't you?"

Veggetto, " Well, here are the updates."




*4/15/01* Yeah, I know... I haven't update in along time but this time we've changed everythang. Check out the whole New and Improved DLC. E~mail us and tell us how you like it. All the old e`mail addresses are dead so dont bother trying them..."

*8/01/00* It's been along time since I've updated anything. But i've added a fan fiction page so come visit it.

*4/30/00* Yeah, I have fixed the pictures page and it works go check it out!! It is copywrited mostly to Stella Maxwell From Infatuated With Duo, but I have some of My stuff in there also...

*4/30/00* Hey, I Haven't been workin on the site in a while but I Added some stuff like a "LINK TO ME" page and some more links. I made another nickname for this site it's "DLC" for "Duo's Little Corner". Well that's it for now just E`mail me at Britn26@aol.com or even Britn25@hotmail.com (that's two more e`mail addersses!!!) Well "Gotts Tose Goes Nows"

*4/26/00* Hey all you new ppls that come to my site. I just wanted to say I have adopted some stuff!!! And if you have any suggestions tell me!!! I know my Pictures Page still isn't up!!! Sorry about that school is taking up alot of time right now!!!

*4/23/00* I added some Surveys. So please try them out!!!

*4/21/00* I made one more update today, I added alot of junkie stuff, so just go wif it! O-TAY I'll get rid of it soon. Thankies all the ppls who have come to Duo' Little Corner of The BIG Web. I have also came up with a nickname for this place it's Duo's Little Corner.^^

*04/21/00* This is my first update. In other words this is the first date my page was opened. I hoped you liked it! This page needs alot of help If u can give me some advice e`mail me!^^


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Lasted updated

April 15, 2001

Veggetto, "Updated!"


~~~*This nexted part means alot to some ppls so here is the......*~~~

Disclaimer: Hey, Not all of this stuff is ours, So dont SUE us, because we used some Your stuff for DLC. E`mail one of us and tell me What's yours and we'll give you the credit for it.

~~~*Okay We had to do that b-cuz hardly any of this stuff is ours.....*~~~