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Favorite Sites

Here are some great sites...some are T10K sites, and others are Scott Cohen should definitely check them out!
When I first started this page, I wanted to write a little something about each site, regrettably though, some many T10K and Scott Cohen sites have popped up, that I am not able to because of lack of space and time...I am glad they are getting the recognition they deserve though.

Official Tenth Kingdom Site

This a very neat page if you have shockwave!  It has interactive games and information.

T10K Movie Data Base

You can look at the info on the mini series, or click on Scott's name in the credits.

T10K Page

A fan page dedicated to the show...

Scott Cohen Fan Page

A Fan Page dedicated to none other then, Scott Cohen...

Huff Puff T10K Page

Unofficial Scott Cohen fansite

T10K Site

My 10th Kingdom Site

A fan site

EBE's X-File Page


This is my other web has a message board, and Episode Guide, Print ads, and pictures...if you're an X-File fan, feel free to visit!

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